Is there a setting that I’m missing to have my DAW play tracks 9-16 out through the Digitakt? The Auto CH setting sets a single midi channel, but if I set up a template in Ableton to have midi tracks set for 9-16 on the Digitakt, I have to manually change that auto setting every time I change midi tracks in Live. I have output CH set to TRK CH and Auto CH set to whatever MIDI track I’m trying to play. The idea being that I can sequence with the ditiakt when I want to, and use it as a midi patcher when I’d rather compose with Ableton’s midi setup from a controller. Or input notes from a controller into the digitakts sequencer… any number of possibilities but I seem to have to keep changing that Auto channel every time. Any thoughts?
The midi channels only “listen” to the auto channel. It’s not designed as a midi router the way you’ve described wanting to use it.
Damn! That would have been brilliant, though
I was wondering the same and yesterday evening I watched again Cenks’ midi tutorial and he is sending notes out on track 9, midi channel 1.
I tried that and it works great and the channel 14 is for return or recording from external gear, in my case I tried Animoog.
Once you are on track 9, midi channel 1 is no longer tied to audio track 1, midi channel 1 by default, (where you can play the BD in pitch.)
Totally, but you still have to switch that midi channel for different tracks. Just seems like they could have continued the track count onward from 8…9-16 and each corresponding to their respective track… would be cleaner. I found a kind of workaround though by setting up a template in Live that receives midi from those Digitakt midi channels… and sending them back out to gear, and or internal software. Works fine–there is some latency with that setup, but you can adjust the tracks in Ableton at the track level or on the midi pane in the prfs. Seems good but might be a future firmware feature for the digitakt?
Actually you get more channels this way. 8 channels for audio and 15 channels for midi (excluding ch. 14.) that don’t interfere.
Here to say that I’d also love to have the basic routing of Track A-H to Midi ch. 9-16 or at least the option to overwrite the standard setting every time a new project is started.