I am trying to sequence analogue synth with Digitakt, but encountered some strange things there. I’ve found out that note no. 24 (C2) is sent out as note no. 0 (C0). In short, going up chromatically from 0 - 23 is fine, then it starts again from 0 where MIDI note no. 24 should be.
To double check the issue, I hooked it to Pure Data in order to see what is happening at the DT’s MIDI out. All notes from 0-23 are triggered as they should, but notes from 24 - 127 are triggered twice?? Let me show you what I see in Pure Data console:
Pressing DT’s note 0 gives 0 in PD. OK
Pressing DT’s note 12 gives 12 in PD. OK
Pressing DT’s note 24 gives 24 AND 0 in PD. Not OK.
Pressing DT’s note 127 gives 127 AND 103 in PD. Not OK.
BTW, those higher notes in double triggered events are happening in “no time”, so only the lower ones have some duration and are audible if I connect it to external instrument.
Anyone have a clue what is happening there? Is it maybe some MIDI convention that I am not aware of?
Thank you for your help!