Thank youuuu guys! Love that pixel art too<3
ayyye master tuning on digitone thank you!
Yes, although I think we only list NRPN for the time being - hmm, should be CC as well.
EDIT: Oh, we’re out of CC values. Direct your angry emails to the MIDI association. Kidding, but yeah - not much we can do about it.
This update is boss
You are boss
yessss I’m irrationally happy about individual track scales finally I can make even longer dramatic chord progressions
Holy sh… Well then, RIP my social activities for 2019. Not that I was planning on having a lot of that but you know, locked ratios on the DN is what preventing me from going 100% feral, and it’s now gone. I’m already shaking and my colleagues are starting to worry.
Honestly it was the plan from (well, almost) the beginning, to let the beast loose in the right way at the right time.
Next update: custom microtonal scale support for us aphex fanatics, please?! ;D
Thanks! The dates should be fixed now
Ah! Now literally the only thing holding me back from a DN is plockable arp. And money
Oh I would love that.
We’ve been discussing it a bit, but still unsure how to approach and if possible.
Just saying it’s on our radar. (And as always, not promising anything!)
For the time being, you can go microtonal by setting the Portamento to Gated and Constant Time (or is it rate? Uhh, the one that is not default)
Amazing updates thank you Elektron!
You’re all bosses! - Keanu probably
Thanks Keanu! You’re breathtaking, probably.
Just turned off the studio for the day (getting hot) but very excited to start programming new and wonkier tones tomorrow. Thanks guys!!
Where are those awesome tasty screensavers ?