Digitakt OS 1.40A (Now 1.40B) is here - Song mode fixes, Fill fixes

when you say literally erases, do you mean deletes from the machine completely or just that it sends you to a blank pattern?

Yes, it deletes everything in memory with the exception of the Project name. The Project can be reloaded from the +Drive (if it was saved before pressing song mode). If it wasn’t previously saved it’s gone.

Here’s a vid: I start off with 4 patterns - song mode on, patterns gone.

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wow, thanks for the heads up

I should probably raise a support ticket. Will comment back here if anything comes of it.

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Did Elektron hire someone from AKAI to manage firmware updates recently?


there’s only one right answer, the rest are wrong.

Does that happen every single time you turn on song mode, or only sometimes? I’m also wondering if this happens with projects that existed prior to the firmware upgrade, new projects, or both/either?

I ended up upgrading the Digis in the past few weeks, and I haven’t seen any of these bugs yet. I jumped from several versions ago. One good thing was that my Digitone had jumpy encoders on the LFO pages, and now it doesn’t.

Haven’t seen this issue either. But good to know to be cautious.

Loading old and pre-song mode projects works fine. It also works correctly on some newly initialised projects I’ve tested this afternoon… I guess the problem is with this one specific project as I cannot replicate it!

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That’s super interesting! Please let us know if you find what triggered the issue in that project

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Will do. I have a ticket open. If they have seen this before I’ll update this thread :slight_smile:

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Note that this is a Digitakt thread and you’re showing a video of the Digitone.

The OS versions are now the same for both the DT and DN but that doesn’t automatically mean the firmwares have the same bugs. (although they probably share a lot of code between the firmwares)

I just put this here for clarification, not as criticism.

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Yes, I appreciate that, an error on my part. Thanks - no harm done.

Yes, I have! I posted the issue in the topic Digitakt not saving.
But since I got no response, I figured it was me being a noob.
Has there been an iPad connected somewhere in the process?

No iPad connected, just basically as if someone hit the button combination to clear the sound on every track.

All that was left was trig data like note length and key. All my sounds for that pattern were reset to default samples. The samples I loaded into the project that evening were gone.

The strange thing is that pattern reloading with FNC + no worked fine before I shut the machine down so it definitely was in memory.

The only pattern affected was the one I had open, all other patterns in that project are fine.

Did you shut down the machine with the power button of the Digitakt or did you shut the power with an external switch?

With the machine’s native power button like usual.

And are you on 1.40A or 1.40B?

When copying multiple trigs that have a trig condition, when pasting them the trig condition is not carried over.


  • Set trig 2,3,4 to Fill trig mode via Plock, each trig shows Fill condition when pressed.
  • Hold down trigs 2,3,4 and copy the trigs, paste these trigs to 10,11,12 using three fingers.
  • Trigs are pasted but they are pasted without the Fill trig mode set.

Anyone else see this behaviour?


I am not to familiar with DSP programming but since I assume this is a memory corruption glitch (related to PSRAM?) it might be worth noting that this project still has a lot of room supposedly. There are two full banks of patterns, I was working on pattern 6/16 on bank C. 95-100 samples loaded into the sample pool but none of them were particularly long.

The device is not connected through USB btw and it is not sending/receiving any midi. It’s just connected to my Soundcraft mixer through TRS cables.

One thing that comes to mind if it it could be related to sleep mode, when I get off work I’ll see if starting a new pattern, letting the device go to sleep and then shutting it off causes the issue.