Digitakt + Roland Boutique TB-03 Midi question

When using the digitakt connected to the tb-03 via midi to, Im trying to use a midi channel to sequence notes. whenever i press play, the tb-03 starts playing its internal patterns and i have to hit “run/stop” on the tb-03 in order for it to stop playing its internal pattern and just hear the sequenced notes from the digitakt.

Anyone else experience this? and if so, is there a way around it, or am i going to just have to hit run/stop each time? (not that this is a huge issue or anything, more of an annoyance)

Empty pattern ?
Turn off ext : auto sync. ( might impact anything that needs sync , like built in fx )

This is quite typical with a lot of gear that has built in sequencers.

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Yes, change the TB-03’s sync setting to “internal” (“INT”) instead of “auto”. That will stop the sequencer from triggering.


Thanks guys! I actually realized my error not too long after posting. One of those “duh!” moments haha :sweat_smile:

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