Not sure this is a bug - I’ve searched here in bug reports and on Gooooooogle and couldn’t find similar.
Sometimes when I try to reassign a sample I hit func - assign then yes to browse samples, func yes to audition etc. Everything is fine but then I end up with an empty sample slot, no waveform and the slot becomes unassignable from then on.
It appears to be random - sometimes works as advertised then just fails.
Anyone seen similar? Can’t believe something so fundamental wouldn’t have been picked up in previous iterations - I’m on OS 1.08.
Mods please merge if this is indeed a bug and not user error
This happens to me when the RAM per project (64mb) is full. Even if you clear some samples this will keep happening until you save the project and reload it. After that the samples you tried to load will be in the RAM provided you have enough memory available.
i don‘t understand why the sound pool won‘t assign as a complete sound!?
it uses some random samples instead of a snare or a kick when you choose either from the pool or the manager.