Digitakt Unofficial Guide

If you don’t mind a little bit of preparation, you cam make your loops 30 1/16ths long (by adding silence or repeating nearly the whole loop in a DAW/editor), meaning that the 1/16th’s fall on 4.0, 8.0 etc which are the increments accessible by holding down the encoder and turning it. This means you can more easily create “random” rearrangements by just pressing and holding the start time encoder, not having to worry about getting it dead on a certain value.


Yes, it’s possible, I do this quite a lot…

just enter the trig at “3:4” and parameter lock it to a C. then place a trig next to it (i mostly use the trig right next to it), also put a parameter lock “NOT pre”, leave it on a G (or Parameter lock it to whatever you like) and use Micro Timing all the way to the left.

EG I want to start my pattern with a G, but every third time a play a C, i use the first trig with the “3:4” - condition (parameter locked at G) and the second trig for the “not pre” - condition with the C. Micro timing is needed because you want it all to start on the first trig, right?



OK - that makes sense - thanks!

One further thing - I’m basically a midiot, I admittedly don’t know my way around the commands, etc - so the workaround for no song mode via making the unit talk to itself is beyond me fight now. BUT, using a MIDI pedal to change patterns, or to mute and unmute tracks, activate FILL, etc - that would be a total solution. I’ve been poking around and there is not a ton of information on this (at least I haven’t found it yet). I have an opportunity to get my hands on a cheap Tech 21 MIDI Mouse, but I’m not entirely sure that it can do more than change MIDI channels - I know people on here have mentioned it - but has anyone successfully used it to switch patterns live? Or should I just buy a larger, programmable foot controller - thanks!

I can’t find it right now, but there was a video on youtube of a user showcasing the possibilities of feeding the midi OUT of the DT into de midi IN and use the midi tracks in order to set variations for the audio tracks. So unless you’re sequencing other stuff you could use your DT as a midi controller for your DT, how bout that!

This one?



is there a google doc for the unofficial guide ?
I can’t find it anywhere here…

Thanks a lot


This might be obvious …but can somebody explain this to me? What do the numbers mean? Steps? Seconds? Bars?

Just noticed that while in pattern edit mode, pressing Func + L/ R arrows shifts the whole pattern one step at a time either way.
Very cool!

Who needs a Mk2!?


the top horizontal row in grey is the multiplier and the grey column is lfo speed.

From how I understand the table, the numbers are the speed at which the lfo completes a cycle. For example, when the multiplier is 8 and the lfo speed is 8, the table says the outcome is 1. Meaning the lfo should cycle once per step and in sync with the sequencer.

This is my understanding and it may not be 100% accurate


this doesn’t seem to be working for me.

Apply the same idea to have a loop timestretch workaround:

  • load a 1 bar 4/4 loop
  • place triggers on 16 steps
  • set len to 7.5
  • apply these start values for the steps:


Now your loop will follow the tempo. This will work wether the loop is in time or not with the track.


Hi guys,

I recently got the digitakt. So I thougt let’s put this table to the test. But I can’t figure out what the numbers mean. So I’ve created a new table. Wich will say how many steps it takes for the LFO to fullfill one cycle.

EDIT: The first table is in notes. So apparantly a 1/2 note is always 16 step… For me that’s confusing, but perhaps for others not :slight_smile:



It’s probably buried in the manual somewhere, but who read them anyway, am I right!?

To copy the master pages
(‘x’ = Compressor or Mixer page) -

  1. Func + LFO - to select the page you want,
  2. Hold the above key combination once selected, then + the Copy key (you should see ‘COPY PAGE x’ displayed on the screen)
  3. Select the pattern that will be your destination for page x,
  4. Go to step 1. then 2. and replace Copy with Paste (you should see ‘PASTE PAGE x’ displayed on the screen).

NB. If you accidentally clear page x, by following the same instructions and pressing Clear, you can always press the same key combination and Clear a second time to undo. This undo functionality works with other uses of Copy, Clear & Paste AFAIK.

Hi Guys,

The LFO Speed has triggerd me. I love the LFO, but I whas always looking for the correct lengt per trig if the LFO is in sync with the Sequence. So for that reason i dug out my Excel and started working on those Speeds and Multiplier to see how much speed you have to apply to get the LFO Cycle running for X trigs.

Below the Tables i’ve found. I created a list for 4 Bars long and some extra’s. From left to right: How long the cycle will run through the amount of bars, beats or triggers. Then the amount of SPD you’d have to apply and the Multiplier.

Notice the light blue value’s are the exact spot on timing. But the pink are the closest ones. To be spot on the Digitakt has to support on to more then 4 decimals. So they are very close and you would only hear it after you let the sequence running for a long time.

Also keep in mind that i have given one combination. But there are more combinations. But that whas way to much work in Excel… :slight_smile:

And last but not least. The LFO Speed goes -64 and +63. And yes +63 is ineed 63 and doesn’t give the value of 64 in real life. The last Table is an overview of the SPD in whole numbers.

Have a nice one!

Deleted the last one with how many steps the LFO Needs to restart a full cycle. Wasnt fully spot on.


Don’t know if this is new in the current firmware (1.10): Func+Clear does not clear the pattern (anymore?). It clears the sequence. The sounds stay. Only way I have seen is over the menu.

I think it depends ‘where’ you are when pressing the key combination.
If you are in grid mode, it clears the sequence (of trigs).
If you are not in grid mode, it seems to clear all sequences in the pattern and not the sounds (as you have pointed out).

From the manual:
“[FUNC] + [PLAY] (while in GRID RECORDING mode) clears active track.
[FUNC] + [PLAY] (while in no mode or LIVE RECORDING mode) clears pattern.”

In order to clear the sound from an individual track and return it to init, TRK + Clear seems to do the job.
There’s probably a combination that resets the whole pattern at once, but I’m yet to find it.


Thanks @mightlife. I am not sure if there was a change in the firmware or if I am a bit confused while using different Elektron machines. As on the Digitakt the sounds are included in the pattern I assumed that clearing the pattern would clear the sounds, too. I thought that this has been the case in the past but I am not sure anymore.

Edit: Clearing the sequence is something different than clearing the pattern (sequence and sounds). The manual and the functions on the device are not consistent.

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I think this is absolutely ridiculous.

The LFO (and the Delay) should just have options for actual musical divisions like 1/4, 1/8. 1/16 etc…

This mathematical tables look up business is just terrible.


Hi @LineOfControl,

That’s no problem. For me the 1/4 or 1/8 doesn’t say anything. I don’t have a musical background. So I was just doing something. And perhaps others have the same like me.

I work in sequences with the steps. So therefor for me it is very nice to know how much steps a single wave cycle takes with the LFO. I also would like to know the same for the Delay.

So maybe it doesn’t suits you, but can others benefit from it.

Have a nice day!


but it doesn’t right? so…