Digitakt vs. Octatrack

OT Pros:
crossfader, scenes, far superior modular FX system, live looping, track scale per track (superior sequencer overall imo), 4 input mixer

DT Pros:
Better fidelity/resolution sampling engine, tempo per pattern, i feel less bad about smacking the keys and spinning the encoders like a caffeine injected dataline, oled screen (at least vs mk1), OB is the business (shout outs beta testers)

owning DT & OT together frees up the OT to do more live sample mangling or processing of external signals with neighbor tracks etc. leaving the DT for bread and butter sample playback.

i own both, i could live with out the DT but not with out the OT. :smiley:


there’s a thread where someone noticed a high freq bump in DT’s sample playback engine. This was a while ago so not sure if it’s changed.


Also owning a DT will cause you to use the OT in a much more disciplined fashion for all its extra functions, freeing up tracks to the DT.

You might just find you discover all your best creations on the DT though - it’s just more immediate and gratifying, which you can then resample back to the OT for more exploration.

Irresolvable formulae to help you:
DT + OT > 2OT


Concerning realtime audio processing of external incoming signals, with FX :
OT > 1 000 000 DT

Fx on intput only in rec mode for DT, that’s it?

Concerning realtime stereo sampling / resampling with simultaneous mangling of 16 different audio sources, sequenced / quantized recordings :
OT > 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 DT

Not possible with DT.

Concerning macro control :
OT crossfader 30x8=240 simultaneous parameters with morphing between 2 scenes (16 scenes) > DT CTRL ALL 8x1=8 parameters.

OT can do CTRL ALL easily with midi loopback, in addition of crossfader control.


OT = $1350
DT = $740


Just get both. Muck about, sell the one you dont like.
…,youll probably keep both :wink:


It’s funny how the bottom line to every elektron gear thread here ends like “just catch’em all already !” :rofl:


its true tho…aint it. some guy buys a box…then is all stoked, buys another. next thing you know you’ve fucked yourself, and blown your cash all on one kinda gear.

kinda like modulars little brother.

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Seriously, you can make good music on both devices if you develop the chops. But what if you had a DN as well? And the AH?
A house full of Elektron gear is a happy place.


Do you like the walls of my toilets?

If you’re happy with this…


I think you might want to see a doctor.

I think the volca sample is actually really great for classic sounds with a cool 12 bit vibe, it’s really fast to program and mess with… kinda wish I kept mine as a side piece. Definitely has lots of problems but you can get one for 100$ used :grinning:

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Sure. I tried an Elektron therapy, but I’m still unhappy. :slightly_frowning_face:
Do I need more Elektrons? :sketchy:

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Of course. Elektron modules are like violence. If it doesn’t work, you need more of them.


Impossible to argue against this logic :slight_smile:

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you’re not wrong on it being awesome. but it’s not 12 bit. it’s 16 bit, 31.25kHz sample rate. maybe the weird sample rate does something special, I don’t know, but you’re right it does indeed sound great.

but 12 bit? I WISH!

Ah yeah I knew it was something like that

i received one as a gift, it’s a cool toy but i don’t use it very often!

I sold my second OT to fund my second DT last night. The eternal gear merry go round. OT is cool, but sequencing it in any meaningful way from an external sequencer is a pain in the behind. DT is super easy to sequence. It might sound counter intuitive to sequence something with a sequencer from a sequencer, but as fun as the Elektron sequencers are, they’ve always left me wanting more (so using a pyramid now).

Also, the effects in the OT just needs too much tweaking to sound decent, in my opinion, many of the effects are just barely useable (in my opinion).

Anyway, not trying to slate the OT, it’s a great machine, but not necessarily for everyone and for every use. :slight_smile:

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That’s interesting! I was thinking of selling my DT because I use the OT a lot more. It’s the centerpiece of my humble hardware rig. But, if I were going to use a Pyramid or Cirklon, the DT does make perfect sense in that case for sure

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I sold my DT and kept my OT. Merry go round is correct. I think each machine has an advantage depending on how you use it. DT didn’t fit my needs but the OT did everything I needed it to do. I don’t use it for external gear or anything like that. I use mine like a mixer and efx unit. I also use it for transitions and various other things. DT coudn’t do those things and I found it limiting for the way I do my song structure. Both awesome though.

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