Digitakt waveform zoom/ sample zoom

But that is not the case when sampling into the dt. An encoder turn moves the cursor the same amount whether zoomed in or not.

Yes in terms of across the physical screen but if you zoom in your only seeing part of the waveform instead of the full amount. There are two zooms on the sample screen. Zooming the start and zooming the end.

Yes, this makes it visually easier to find start and end points. But it doesn’t seem effect the precision at which samples can be edited. But precision is affected with zoom and a mouse in a DAW. Which is what the op was hoping for.

We likely won’t agree on this and there really is no point debating as I would personally enjoy being able to zoom in samples. I’m not against it. I’m just asking if it is possible and not a hardware limitation.


Hey don’t get me wrong, I want that feature too especially for looping. Unless they add snap to zero crossing.

You can’t really compare encoders to a mouse though. That’s not really a fair fight! :smile:


We need proper zoom.
Obviously using your ears more makes you a better musician, and practice makes perfect etc but it would make a huge difference to the speed of editing.


Perhaps the next update will include an encoder upgrade… You know, like how we download a new monitor for our PC :laughing:

IIRC, when you’re setting the sample start point, isn’t it a 0-128 dial?

So on a long sample, like 4 bars (slightly extreme example but anyway) 1/128th of that is half a 16th note. So zooming in on the loop would mean you might be selecting a point that is in between two values on the dial?

If you see what I mean…

Yes that’s what I was trying to get across but others weren’t understanding. I get you :slightly_smiling_face:

What you were trying to get across was clearly understood. But again it doesn’t seem to function like that when zooming on recorded samples. It doesn’t narrow the range and let you select between existing values.

That’s kind of my point! So if they’ve coded it such that you can only select one of 128 discrete points along the waveform, then zooming would be pointless because you’re trying to go too fine for the encoder.

I think we’re probably saying much the same thing here!

just want to say a big +1000 for this!
as a recent owner of the digitakt I though great its a sampler lets load a small drum loop and isolate some drum hits…
frankly the DT sucks for this at the moment because the wave form is too zoomed out. I heard others here say the resolution is already high enough to be accurate… great then it should be a no brainer to implement the corresponding zoom level (they already did it for the recording view right?)
Yes i know it is possible to do entirely without waveforms like how the old SP404s use to work but that doesn’t make it faster or better. Asis it diminishes the value of the display for this purpose.

Or what about adding an easy way to do the (existing) recording edit functions (use zoom to set start and end point + cropping) to a sample that is already loaded without having to resample? surely that would be possible…