Digitone and Digitone Keys 1.32

I am having a lot of fun with some of my custom patches and the envelope delay. Modulating that is fitting for endless ambience. Great update!

am I missing something or did they not add the new filters like in the last digitakt update? that‘s what i was hoping for most of all


You missed nothing.
Its a modest update. No changes to the synth engine. I havent bothered to update mine. Not worth the disruption.


Same here. Especially with the bugs I’ve seen. Still a fantastic box regardless!!!

Freaking out, here!

Recently upgraded to 1.32. I Backed up a particular project prior to the upgrade. I just used sysex receive to load the backed-up project.syx from my computer into a new project slot. During the receive, DN’s screen showed me the progress, 128 patterns, 3 sounds, 1 settings received. However, when the sysex receive was complete, there was nothing in the project! Just some bizarre behavior: The MIDI light turned on, and the pattern indicator kept flashing between A01 and H16.

I had successfully restored a project prior to my 1.32 upgrade. It is possible that I’ve forgotten something since I last did it. Someone please tell me I am an idiot and that Elektron did not just break what is, IMO, the most reliable feature of the DN!

Maybe check your Midi configuration, the update changed mine.

Thanks for the tip. I checked, then tweaked various MIDI config settings, but the same behavior persists.

Solved, my problem is a feature, not a bug!

Duh, some of you probably already knew the following: You cannot reload a backup project.syx that was created in a previous version of the firmware.

When the new firmware is installed on the DN, projects on the DN are modified to work correctly with the new firmware (ideally). But this does not apply to any .sxy files on my computer.

The good news is: While backing up stuff to my computer, I never deleted anything from the DN, so effectively, nothing was lost. The bad news is: I will have to go back and backup my important projects. Shouldn’t take very long.

Silly question: Is there a script for updating .syx files that were made by previous versions of the firmware?

Shout out to @DaveMech for providing a hint to my problem, earlier in this thread!


Hence the warning in the release notes when they say user content may be lost :wink:

The problematic word is may. I am wondering if there is any scenario in which projects exported from an older firmware version would reload correctly into 1.32. My suspicion tells me: If it didn’t work for me, it’s not going to work for anyone else.

This demo is informative and sounds good:


Ob has never been this good (1st time it works for me)


Surely my suggestion of a mixer a while back is the sole reason for this update? Haha.

Kidding aside, I’m so happy to see a mixer page. I really hope Elektron go further and implement a user-definable controller page where you can assign any parameter to any of the controls, and create your own unique performance system.


Great demo, and also shows that 1.32 is not just a backport of stuff from the digitakt but that these specific features have their own creative refelctions on what you can do with the DN.

And it’s very cool to see what these guys are doing with the DN, regardless of the update :slight_smile:

I hope a 1.32A update will be released soon(ish) with the obvious bugs fixed that were introduced in 1.32.


Good video yes and cool that you can hold FUNC and turn encoder A to adjust
Filter Env Delay on Filter Page 1 - works with Control All too.

Thanks Elektron! The global mixer/fx, ESPECIALLY applied to the inputs makes for a much better experience when pairing the Digitakt/Digitone. Having consistent per-project levels and FX settings on the DT audio, independent of pattern, makes them play together even better!

Also, for some reason, the audio output sounds just a bit cleaner and full-bodied to my ears after the update. Was there some kind of clipping fix or something? Could be my imagination. :thinking:


This is a really good update, all the lfo parameters being on a single page for each lfo makes tweaking so much easier. Also making the inputs dual mono with different fx sends is nice as well. Digitone remains the best musical purchase I have ever made.


New version 1.32A with bug fixes here: Elektron Support & Downloads


List of changes from OS 1.32 to 1.32A

Bug fixes

  • The TRK1 LEVEL parameter on the INTERNAL MIXER page was less responsive than for TRK2-4.

  • Fixed a number of issues related to settings made in the GLOBAL FX/MIX menu.

  • The effects were not active after startup/reboot.

  • Changing mute states from Overbridge plugin resulted in unexpected behavior.

  • It was not possible to copy the parameter settings from one LFO page to another.

  • It was not possible to copy or paste the INTERNAL MIXER pages parameter settings from one pattern to another.

  • When the Chorus page was open, it was not possible to close it by pressing SYN2.

  • Minor fixes to errors in the screen UI graphics.


TL;DR judging by the first 50-odd posts, I guess they didn’t do anything about the workflow issue where you cannot - when in mute mode - select another track to tweak parameters of, without first exiting mute mode, the selecting the track you want to edit, and then going back into mute mode… It’s my number one bug-bear and IMHO a big drag when playing live. Still, appreciate these updates of course. Maybe next time…?!