Digitone/Digitakt breakout box [work in progress]

Absolutely fabulous. If this is open source i’ll hope someone translate this to a eurorack module as well. Usb port and 8/16 minijack connectors. 12V+_ straight from the case and digitakt or tone outputs at modular levels would be a nice addition. First things first dough


count me in as well!

Very interested in this! The only thing stopping me from buying a digitakt currently is not being able to break out into analog for live performance etc.

Would 100% be interested in a balanced jack and bigger PSU option. Have actually been using an akai3200 as a kind of drum machine sample player and sequencing it with the Rytm, but this is so impractical for live. S3200 sounds really great for recording though and you get a nice strong line level signal which sounds so much better than the Rytm’s individual outputs.

Will you make a website or setup a mailing lsit or something like that?


Count me in! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Super slick stuff, mate. :heart:

This might draw me back to DN, somehow I prefer having physical outs that OB.

super cool project!

Cool idea - any update?

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This is epic! Count me in.

Woop! Woop! Bumping to get more eyes on this.

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I’ve just been on other threads requesting essentially this. Aux returns would be an awesome addition, but what you’re doing is amazing work!


This is super cool. I would definitely be interested in one. Will be following this thread to see how it develops.

Great work!

Yep, another up vote here and interested customer. Would be bang up for one of these for my digitone. Impressive :grin:

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I love seeing all the interest. I’m sorry I’ve been slow at making progress on this.
My day job and some other side project of mine have been insanely demanding lately :frowning:
Some recent updates: I replaced the code with something that just generates a sine wave and looked at that on the scope - zero noticeable distortion, which is interesting. My next step is to try and increase the gain of the output stage such that it matches the Digitone’s. I have ordered some components and will hopefully experiment with it in the next couple of weeks. I am also almost ready to order the 2nd revision of the board, I just want to try and improve the output stage a bit more before doing so.
I think this will happen, but it might take months instead of weeks. Thank you all again for showing support!


This is a very cool project.

WRT software, are you depending on GitHub - droelfdroelf/dtdump: An open Overbridge protocol implementation proof of concept. or something you’ve written yourself? Is it open source?

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No idea how I missed this. This is so exciting. I’ve been wanting a mixer that only had USB ports, leveraging audio interfaces to bring the sound together and this has been very inspiring.

I would 100% buy this when it is ready.

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just dropping in to express my support and very keen interest! you’re doing the lord’s work lol

Regularly checking this thread to see the progress :slightly_smiling_face:. Strange that Elektron haven’t provided an output expander for their devices. From business point of view it would make perfect sense, I’d think.

That would be SO SICK!

This is really great. As for enclosure/kits, could you offer two versions? My time these days is really restricted and I’d be more inclined to just buy one in an enclosure and use it than trying to make my own enclosure and cut into limited composing time.

Wonderful project though - bravo!