Digitone / Digitone Keys 1.30A : bug reports

Ahh doh, tried to search for a v1.30 bugs thread but couldn’t find one.

At least it’s not just me though.

MultiMap doesn’t work with USB midi or Overbridge. Only Midi DIN.

Hello there, not sure if anyone else has found this but I’ve noticed that if I place a 1st conditional trig on the first trig of each synth track in a pattern, the first three tracks behave as I would expect but the fourth retriggers each time the pattern loops.

does the fourth have the same length and scale settings as the others three ?

i.e. does this happen if you start in a fresh vanilla pattern ? always best to try simpler tests to see if it’s some tweaked setting

Yep, same length & scale settings on each track, the trig was created on the 1st track & then copied & pasted on to each of the other tracks. Just the fourth one keeps retriggering.

works fine for me starting from scratch - all four play only on the first pass - disconnect from other Midi in case something odd is happening there, albeit unlikely - a new project also generally reveals whether something is a setting or a bug - but this doesn’t appear to be a bug

Ok, I’ll try a new project & see if I can replicate the issue - thanks for your input!

I can’t seem to live record sounds when previewing directly from the sound browser/manager anymore… it has the same behavior as before the feature was introduced. Is this a regression?

I’m having an issue that seems possibly related to the well known “recording over with yellow trigs” bug. But it’s a bit different:

I send a midi sequence to a DN track over the auto channel from an Ableton clip. The DN records the sequence no problem. I stop the clip in Live, then stop recording on the DN. Fine. Now- if I start recording on the DN again (no midi being transmitted to the DN other than midi clock), the DN overwrites the previously recorded sequence with a single red trig, randomly placed! This issue will persist until a restart. It’s driving me crazy.

There’s only an issue if an external sequencer sends a sequence first. No issues if working on the DN alone.

EDIT: It also appears that the issue only occurs if the sequence sent from the external sequencer contains a note on the first or last step of the pattern. If not, everything seems to work correctly…

EDIT again: Seems related to when the external sequence/clip is stopped vs. when recording on the DN is stopped. Stopping external sequence b4 DN recording stops = no problem. Other way around = trig deletion. I’ve sent a support ticket to the mothership.

Final EDIT: Bug confirmed by Elektron. They said they’d forward to the developers and provide some feedback when they know more.

Digitone - program change MIDI signal strange behaviour

I’m having problems using loopback midi signals to create larger patterns in digitone. In other occasions I’ve used them without problems, so I think this may be a bug in the last firware versions.

For testing, I have the digitone connected to a midihub. The midihub sends back all signals to digitone, without processing them, and sends a copy to my computer, so I can monitor what is happening.

MIDI Configuration:

This is the complete MIDI configuration (I’ve marked with !!! the important parts):


  • Clock receive: disabled
  • Clock send: disabled
  • Transport receive: enabled
  • Transport send: disabled
  • Prog Ch Receive: enabled !!!
  • Prog Ch Send: disabled

Port Config:

  • Turbo Speed: disabled
  • Out Port Func: MIDI
  • Thru Port Func: MIDI
  • Input From: MIDI+USB
  • Output To: MIDI+USB
  • Output Ch: Auto Ch
  • Param Output: CC
  • Encoder DST: int
  • Trig Key DST: int
  • Mute DST int
  • Receive Notes: enabled
  • Receive CC/NRPN: enabled


  • Track 1 Channel: 1
  • Track 2 Channel: 2
  • Auto Channel: 11 !!!
  • Prog Ch In Ch: 10 !!!
  • Prog Ch Out Ch: 16 !!!
  • Multi Map Ch: OFF


All tests use MIDI T1, and a sequence with one page, 16 steps, a trig in step 9.

Test 1

T1 Config: Chan: 10, all disabled
Param locks: Bank: 4, Prog: 3
Message received: Note On on channel 10, Note On on channel 10. No program change.

Test 2

T1 Config: Chan: 10, Bank: 5, Prog: 3 (when changing the T1 config, program change messages are indeed send, so it’s difficult to set up this, as the pattern keeps changing).
Param locks: none
Message received: Note On on channel 10, Note On on channel 10. No program change.

Test 3

T1 Config: Chan: 10, Bank: 5, Prog: 3
Param locks: none, but now it’s a lock trig, not a note trig.
Message received: None

Test 4

T1 Config: Chan: 10, all disabled
Param locks: Bank: 5, Prog: 3. Lock trig.
Message received: None

Test 5

T1 Config: Chan: 10, Bank: 5, Prog: 3
Param locks: Bank: 5, Prog: 3. Lock trig.
Message received: None

Test 6

T1 Config: Chan: 10, Prog: 2
Param locks: Prog: 2. Lock trig.
Message received: None

Test 7

T1 Config: Chan: 10, Prog: 2
Param locks: None. Lock trig.
Message received: Program change, channel 10, data1: 1. This is Ok.


  1. If it is a note trig, only notes messages are sent.
  2. Bank is ignored, and prevents any other messages from being sent.
  3. Param locks are ignored, and prevents any other messages from being sent.

I’d appreciate if someone can check this and confirm if it is really a bug.

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I was progamming a percussion pattern today. I did what i usually do, move trigs with FUNC and arrows to change the groove. All of a sudden the whole pattern was gone. Tried to make it happen again, but this time the trigs moved around correctly. Strange bug, and sad that i lost a good groove.

The bank and program change behaviour has been very confusing for a while now, I still have the previous firmware on mine and avoid using program changes.

There are a couple things to make your test more clear, I think this is important and some more information makes it easier for others to replicate. I’ll test this myself when I update the firmware.

  1. From what state did you test? Was the DN already playing and you change patterns? Or was it starting after a single press stop or a double press stop? Or after booting up?
  2. Before playing the pattern - but after switching on, changing patterns or stopping - did you press any of the keyboard triggers? Because a note trig is always required to activate a pattern in the first place(see bug about the delay effect somewhere above this on Aug 29 from tomfs).

I’m aware that things changed in the new firmware, and the main change seems to be that bank and program changes can no longer be locked without a note trig.
It’s very confusing and inconsistent behaviour that slows down the workflow of the midi sequencer.

This is a funny bug to report because it is one I actually like. Every now and then I hear a little noise in the reverb, or at least I assume its the reverb, might be delay or chorus going into reverb. It is pretty subtle and happens pretty rarely, and has only ever enhanced the atmosphere. Sort of like a blip of noise exciting the reverb.

Auto channel is not working for me with Digitone while using Overbridge and USB MIDI. It is working over DIN MIDI. Is this a known bug or expected behavior?

Auto channel not working with me either. Makes using Digitone as a sound module somewhat frustrating.

Look what I found. Elvis?

Looks a bit more like Neo to me :slight_smile:


The leads stay lit like that

I’m not sure if it’s a bug, but my digitone keys screen doesn’t ever go to sleep… Nomatter how long i leave it it just stays on.

my sequence is empty but the light is on