Digitone / Digitone Keys: bug reports

Nope because this is with Global FX switched off.

Hi all! Just encountered this bug on 1.31 and was wondering if itā€™s still a problem with 1.32:

  • Choose a scale for a track (e.g. Ionian on C5)
  • Add a trig with a note not belonging to the scale (e.g. C#5)
  • Try to transpose that trig one octave up by holding the trig + Func + Up
  • DN will always freeze and needs to be restarted

Just tried on 1.32A, and it works fine, no freez!


Hi I have a serious problem, not sure if its a bug or hardware issue. I have a new DN Keys running 1.32A.

At seemingly random times, the Midi tracks stop sending data. The triggers are still lit and no other settings are changed (Iā€™ve quintuple checked this) but no Midi is sent. When this happens, if I go back to the synth tracks, it gets frozen on track one. Pushing the other tracks does not change the track. A restart restores normal behavior.

Iā€™m not doing anything crazy with Midi so I donā€™t think its a data jam, and anyhow even if it was I donā€™t know why that would then be related to the synth track freeze.

Iā€™m will send in a support ticket but just wanted to ask here first in case anyone has seen this or suspects user error. Iā€™m a new Elektron user and I assumed it was my error for the first two weeks but Iā€™ve had enough hours now that Iā€™m pretty sure I understand normal behavior and this is not normal. I will take a video and post here soon too.

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I just remembered I wanted to try this on my DN and on my DN those pages do reload as expected (1.32A)

When Global effects and mixer are checked reloading still does not work.

As linked above, this is the same as on the Digitakt and intended unfortunately.

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I see. Iā€™m sure it would require some extra coding but it would be very useful if it would reload the current patternā€™s saved settings. I still request that.

Also Copy and paste effects and mixer settings doesnā€™t work and that makes no sense. That should definitely be possible and it would be an important workaround since you could keep your settings saved temporarily in the copy buffer.

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All of these ā€œper pattern storedā€ fx settings loose the ā€œrestore from patternā€ and copy from/to functionality when setting it to global.

Something to be aware of when setting fx to global.


Thatā€™s strange. Are you sure? On 1.32A here and it works on the other Master pages (Ext-In Mixer) but not the Internal Mixer page, ie the one containing the Overdrive setting.

On a related note, Iā€™ve always found it odd that reverting a track on the DN and DT using TRK+NO doesnā€™t revert the track level. I get the logic but I disagree! : )

Now Iā€™m not sure anymore which pages I tried and which page I thought you mentioned in your original post :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™ll try specifically the internal mixer page tomorrow.

So here is the deal with both the DT+DN:

  • With global FX enabled, [FUNC]+[Parameter Page]+[No] wonā€™t reload the selected paramtere page from the saved pattern. On the DT nothing is happening, on the DN, it does show a message Reload Page [Page], but nothing is actually happening.

  • With FX per pattern, [FUNC]+[Parameter Page]+[No] will reload the current parameters to the values of the saved pattern.

  • On both devices, the Internal Mixer Page wonā€™t reload the parameters with [FUNC]+[Master]+[No], either with the effects/mixer global or not. Both devices are not showing a message here when you press [FUNC]+[Master]+[No].

Iā€™m not sure the latter is a bug of 1.32 or that it always has been like this. Would be nice if reload here would work though on both the DN and DT.

When pressing [FUNC]+[Parameter Page]+[No] on the DN when global fx are enabled and that it shows a message that the parameters are reloaded could be considered as a minor bug in 1.32A.

Holy crap, iā€™m gonna go mad with the hiss bug.

Continuing the discussion from Digitone / Digitone Keys 1.30A : bug reports:

Seems like iā€™m not alone but i am also tempted by thinking this could be a hardware issue. Thereā€™s no way iā€™m using this device more than 30min without a bug. I bought it new in January and I barely could spend some time with it since it is always bugging.

Does anyone know what a continuous noise and a freeze could mean on a hardware level? No way to restart straight the device as the high capacitors need to unload. Could it be that the CPU canā€™t handle tweaking voice allocation (layer knob) + an arpegiator going on?

If it is software wise, 90% of users would go mad as wellā€¦

probably somebody mentioned here already: the sluggish reaction when in overbridge mode bug still exists - Digitone UI sluggish in Overbridge mode - #26 by striata


Opened a ticket last night to report LCD display does not go to sleep mode as well as encoder (D in my case) seems ā€œunstableā€. On the LFO1 page, destination sub-screen pops up randomly.
I am on 1.32A
Any info on this?

Last update is 1.32A, you might want to try this one and see if you still have some problem.

Typo from my end sorry, I am on 1.32A
Edit: typo fixed :slight_smile:


A factory reset has solved this issue.
Thank you @Patrik :pray:


not sure if itā€™s a bug or my digitone itself, but since the update i noticed that editing the micro timing is sometimes a little ā€œwashyā€ and sluggishā€¦ for example when pressing forward twice it sometimes just makes one step forwardā€¦ or pressing it twice it makes two steps forward and one backā€¦

itā€™s a minor thing but maybe still worth mentioningā€¦?

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