Digitone feature requests!

Digitone Keys - Global “User Assign” Setup

Was surprised to find that programming the knobs to user parameters is pattern specific rather than global. Sure, this is useful and I wouldn’t want it to be removed, but ideally I would be able to set up the USER ASSIGN parameters page on a global level and be able to quickly switch between the default parameters and the user ones. Maybe I’m missing something, is there already a way to do this?

As is, the default user settings page gives control over the filter envelope, C ratio, feedback, reverb, and filter env depth. These must be changed with each pattern if different user knob settings are desired.

Don’t get me wrong, having per pattern user assign is nice! I just would have expected to be able to edit the default user assign as well, since I’m likely to choose a similar user assign setup each time so that I’m not constantly unsure of which knob controls what and can get away from always having to look at the OLED to see what I’m doing.

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today I had one of those totally confusing moments with mutes… really hoping they’ll improve that - purple, red, white, green, blue… gasp!


I dont see any problems with the mute format, once u’ve taken the time to learn how it works, it always works the same without surprise.


Design isnt, at all, in the field of knowledge I studied/study/work with. But I also feel that the colors for muting options could have been more user-friendly. Nonetheless, it’s about a factor that is easily percieve so it doesnt bother me at all. I mean, when I mute a tack, I stop earing it, I dont need much more indicators to know what’s happening. Still gotta admit that I felt lost, at first, when I accidently global-mute one of my track, but as I jumped into playing with my DN without reading the manual I took the blame.

According to your point about the synthesis capabilties of the DN, I agree that it may feel “close”, but I don’t think it was built to fit the idea of an endless exploration. Seems like you’re looking for anotha ship for sailing the FM-ocean you’re looking after. But, as I never used any “old” elektron box, I can’t relate with the expectation/disapointement you’re getting through.


the synth tracks should be able to send midi notes out. i have tons of sequences that i want to record into my computer to further expand upon, it’s kinda crazy that this doesn’t do that (unless i’m missing something?)


Weird. I love complex synths but I love how the Digitone is so direct for an FM synth, but it doesn’t feel limited at all to me. In fact, it’s quite incredible what you can do with it if you think about it. I can easily create compleate grooves on it. On the surface it might seem “simple” or not as deep, but when you dive a bit deeper there’s a wide range of sounds you can get out of it. Maybe it depends a bit on the sounds that you are looking for, but to call Digitone shallow in sound design potential doesn’t resonate with me at all. Quite the opposite really. It makes you explore subtleties to find sounds from smooth to crazy complex and percussion.

Seeing the amount of features you seem to miss it seems like you are looking too much at what the Digitone cannot do and therefore missing the point of what it can do. But I could be wrong here of course :slight_smile:

The power lies in maximizing the multi trimbality and using all the modulators to their full potential. Using sound locks, Using the sequencer in a way that makes 2 LFO’s sound like a whole bunch of LFO’s etc.

imho this is very true and just as much for the Digitone. Stick with it and as a practise: Try to use it as a full on groovebox, using all 4 tracks and trying to maximize the 8 voices.


This feature would be killer.
So there should be an option somewhere to lock the sounds when transitioning to another pattern. It has to be very easy to reach, because so you can turn it of when transitioning to another song (or another pattern where you don’t want this…)
I would even see this as a pattern option menu where you can select which tracks will be locked when you transition to another pattern. So you can have for example 3 tracks as a ‘kit’ when moving through patterns, and the 4th track will be independent of the ‘kit’.

the kits or this ‘keeping the track sounds’ feature is the only thing that really annoys me when performing. the worst is when I have patterns chaining to be 1 bigger pattern. the only thing you can use is the modulation wheel, which keeps its value when changing patterns.


I just watched a video from loopop on tube covering the firmware updates of the Analog Four and he stated that Elektron actually boosted the sounds you can store on the device by Firmware updates.

The original version (A4, Mark I) was able to store 128 or something? And with the firmware additions they ended up with 4096 I believe.

So,… hmm this should be able for the Digitone as well, right? Would be awesome!


The Analog Four update activated the “+Drive” storage, which the (later-released) Digitone had from its launch.

so you think it won’t be possible to increase the amount of sounds save-able?

I have no idea whether it is possible or not. I certainly think that it is unlikely that the number would be increased.

bummer. however I found a few slots yesterday using overbridge :wink: I may cleanup the whole thing and get rid of sounds I don’t like. Thanks for your insights.

Announcement for next update so i can ease my ocd checking news page 2360 times a day for any news. The latest digitakt update has fed my expectation to max curiosity.


Right there with you, lol. I keep thinking they will want to push the power handle recall down the news feed… hoping digitone gets an update soon. I should probably just play the damn thing in the meantime, and get off the internet. :sweat_smile:


Arp to midi is a must and some kind of automation smoothing option like slide trigs would also be good. My microfreak can do both of these things so it feels kind of absurd sitting down to the Digitone Keys and not having either.

I’d also love extra LFO destinations or dedicated modulators like the Vibrato and PWM controls on the A4. It really sucks that if I want to use one of the two LFO’s for vibrato then I’ve only got one more (with only one possible destination). And I know that I could also use the CV ins on the DNK, but doing a workaround for something like a monophonic LFO on a polyphonic synth at this price point doesn’t get me hyped.

Most of all I’d like to see FX parameters as mod destinations.

I love this synth, but sometimes it does get frustrating not being able to access some of the simpler features that you’d expect on a polyphonic Elektron keyboard.


Precisely the reason I came to this thread today. All the mute modes are essentially useless at the moment as you have to press so many button combos to get in and out of them that I end up confusing myself and messing things up.


Yeah, the Digitone’s mute mode is clunky.

  • Not being able to mute or select both synth tracks and midi tracks at the same time because they are divided into a “midi mode” and “synth mode” is really inconvenient.
  • Having to toggle out of mute mode to select tracks is also inconvenient.
  • The track buttons only blink whenever they play a trig if you’re in mute mode, which is really useful information you’re missing out on in normal mode.

It’s a regression from the Digitakt’s top row for audio tracks and bottom row for midi tracks, imo. Hence the feature request to make the Digitone handle mutes and track selection like the Digitakt :smiley:


I had the same idea but with a mode where the 1st row would be used to switch mute state for the 4 synth tracks and the 4 MIDI tracks and the 2d row would just switch tracks so that we can still edit their settings and don’t need to switch between Synth and MIDI tracks.


Wow, these topics can get really long. So not sure if this has been suggested or asked earlier.

Does anyone know if there is physical limitations preventing us from having LFOs for the Audio In? And a midi track controlling the LFO and Overdrive amount (etc.) for the Audio In?

As I says previously, it would be nice if we can transpose the tracks (previously selected) with an external keyboard with the DN or with the own keyboard in the case of the DN keys. And it would be nice too to see the lfos page as the new ones in the digitakt (one page, one lfo), and obviously, as in the digitakt, if you can dimm the leds and the screen.