you can have global internal/external mixer and effects settings, it’s not per project but it’s consistent between patterns. just check them in the GLOBAL FX/MIX settings menu
How did I miss that! Up too late… Thanks a bunch
I’d love a drum mode-- just for voice allocation 8 separate sequence/synth tracks… I think it can be done if DTN has 4 midi tracks, they could be reallocated. The only thing to figure out is how to do 8-part multitimbral, but I think it could probably handle it.
4 new machines
MSEG machine
VA (virtual analog) machine
Kit machine (for drums)
Euro machine, this one is the most fun with different sequencer types, also implanted mutable instruments marbles!
Pretty much doable stuff.
- I’d love another ‘Master’ page that looks similar to the ‘Internal Mixer’ page but each knob can be assigned to any parameter within that pattern - for any track - like a favorites page. (throw this on the DT, too)
- This way, I could, for example, control the depth of LFO 2 on Track 3 and the lowpass filter of Track 1 at the same time, without having to page swap or select which track I want to manipulate.
This would be a game changer for manipulating sounds. The act of selecting a specific track and then page diving just to affect one parameter on that page feels like… well it could just be so much easier and cooler. Sure, sure, one could do this with an external midi controller but like, those knobs are already there… and I want my MIDI IN for other things…
I posted about this a couple years ago and it didn’t get much traction so I’m posting again. I still really want this! PLEASE <3
it’s a small thing, but I really would like the SOUND SETUP menu to remember the last position when I toggle between setting up macros with ModWheel / Breath Controller / AfterTouch and the different menus like Filter/LFO etc.
on AR it remembers the last position so I don’t have to scroll every time to the end of the SOUND SETUP page but on DN it always goes back to the top of the page and the macros are at the bottom.
I suppose placing them on top would also work, as the other items like key scaling/play mode etc. are setup once or twice, but to play with the macros you have to switch between the menu and other pages, having the menu remember the last position or placing them on top just would save time…
Well, now I’m officially craving fixed-frequency operators. After discovering that modulators often act as lfos when using wave-folding techniques, I have the problem that they change frequency with the key, which isn’t something you normally want in an lfo.
And, since I’ve mentioned it elsewhere, more lfo wave shapes would be handy, or better yet, a duty cycle that you can set, which has a flat DC line for some/most of the wave shape. You can use that to add accented movement in some places, but for wave-folding it means you can take the shapes that spend as much time positive as negative and use them with a very short duty cycle to periodically move a modulator forward and hold it there, changing the pitch of the carrier each time.
That would be great.
A second page on the trig screen, with MW, AT, PB and BC level settings, with rate knobs for each for parameter slides.
This does so many things. Like recording modwheel etc to the pattern, enabling parameter slides (in groups of 4 — like mini hydrasynth-style macros) and of course who tf even has a breath controller to use with their DN?
Edit: might also be worth having the velocity mod work like this too, enabled in the porta submenu, taking on porta timing. It seems natural to treat this as a kind of portamento, since both are cued by the note-on.
Some sort of resolution reduction for the operators! Less stable clock, digital artifacting, pitch drift, get those MegaFM sounds!
KIT MODE for digitone and digitakt!
The inability to move a parameter smoothly between two patterns, is by far the biggest issue for me.
A shortcut for Multi Map mode on the regular DN.
Move it to the Setup menu, or even better, repurpose the very much surplus Unison shortcut (FUNC+VOICE). Unison is only a keypress away with the VOICE button anyway so there’s no need for its shortcut. In comparison, Multi Map is buried deep in Settings>scroll to>Control>1 Multi Map Edit
Another one for the non-Keys Digitone:
When in Multi Map mode, holding Add Notes button while pressing Oct+/- buttons should shift octaves, just as it does when the Sound Browser is onscreen.
@garf is my man on the ground fighting for the things we know make sense
Simpler access to MultiMap on the A4 (alongside DN here) is something i find frustratingly MIA
Small stuff like this can make a huge difference to those seeking to maximise interaction
+1s on both … this is only UI tweaking, not an extra LFO as such, so assuming it can be done neatly it’s a win win for those who see its potential and those who would then get it … Including the fine folks of Elektron
I was asking about this 10 years ago, still won’t give up hope
maximise the potential on device and for device+auto_ext_kbd
Yeah, I find myself barely using it because of this, despite being so excited about it.
Not sure how Elektron would justify new machines out of the FM spectrum but maybe a Random step sequencer and KIT saving would be already amazing as updating
I asked this b4.
I want to make a bass and groove line
On 2 tracks.
Then on t 3rd track I want to play a chord
And have the other 2 tracks change to t chord I’m playing.
Like an arranger keyboard.
Is. It. Possible. Awesome-Elektron. !! ??
i’m not sure it can be that aware of content played within a track, the question is easy to misread, but i think it maybe isn’t integrated and ‘listening’ like that … but there may be hacky ways to get towards that … it’s tedious to change ‘key’ across multiple tracks so i don’t know if there is a suggestion i could make here to accomplish that kind of tying things together, i think i know what you mean …
You are talking Transposing according to what track( or Chord ) is a set to be the Master key? Wishful Thinking ( Oxi sequencer does it beautifully ) but we never know…