Elektron staff may read the posts, but these topics are generally for discussion of potential feature requests between users (for example, to determine best method of implementation or whether there would be any drawbacks to a change).
The official method for submitting a feature request to Elektron is to email:
The settings in the FUNC + TRIG sound setup menu (see p.24 in the manual) are stored when you save a sound; this includes an octave setting which is separate to the trig keyboard octave setting.
Yes I totally agree with a tune operator on the Digitone like on the Digitakt. I am working on a track with very cool sounding detuned dual VCO sound on the Rytm but the Pad sound on my Digitone will not match with the VCO sound.
I am getting the feeling that these request and then believe in these can be compared to a donkey which gets a carrot hanging right before his face and never reaching it
I think I have to celebrate the box as it is and stop dreaming about something coming or not coming to a Digitone near you
Elektron has the best system of synced divisions. Just set delay time to an equal number like 16, 24, 32 and you got your most common synced divisions.