Digitone feature requests!

I’m looking foward to hearing this sound pack. The metallic sound of FM synthesis could make for some amazing cymbals and hi-hats.

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In some sounds I can hear clicks on the beginning…

One day later and a free sound pack dedicated to drums/percussion sounds got released by elektron :slight_smile:


that was quick

(Polyphonic!) Note and parameter slides would open things right up.

Also, additional operator ratios and algorithms would be awesome.

I’m finally starting to eye a Digitone in the near future. Has there been any discussion about “unlocking” the Frequency ratios? If I understand correctly, they have limited the options in order to make FM easier to work with. I like this feature but would also like to turn it off to really dive deep into the world of FM.
I own a Yamaha TX81z that is both great sounding but difficult to program due to the user interface and would love to move on to a DT without sacrificing the full FM range.

that’s what I need right now…

maybe B ratios (or all of them) could be a pop-up menu where you can scroll with more precision and navigate with up/down arrow keys.

Rytm suffers from the same problem with the UI for the different configurations of operators on the DVCO machine, and would benefit from a similar solution.

really, any list that has more than 16 (or something - this could be figured out through user experience research, which I’m sure elektron invests in to some degree) items should be navigable with higher precision than a single encoder operating on a non-dropdown / non-popup list

That’s what the detune operator is for.


I’d love to have MIDI control of Fill mode, so I can switch it on and off with a footswitch


When in the note menu for a sound locked trig, it would be reeeeeally useful if the keyboard played the locked sound instead of the track sound.
I’m trying to tune a kickdrum here, and it’s practically guesswork. (I know I can hold the trig and press the up and down keys, but I’m a tune-by-ear guy, so I’d like to be able to play it on the keyboard and hear what note I’m entering using the sound I intend.)

5 posts were split to a new topic: Digitone hardware problem?

cool, I’ll have to check that out.

When DN controlled by a midi controller it will be great to see the change of the parameter value. For the moment, we just can see on the DN screen the parameter movement but the value is not displayed, only the parameter name.


I really really really would love some way to adjust parameters by whole numbers instead of having to turn the encoder super slowly. Ultimately it doesn’t affect sound too much, but for precise parameters like LFO depth it’s currently very difficult to get nice whole number values!


You can make this holding the FUNC button when turning the encoder, but only for some numbers.

Long thread my bad if it’s already been said. Would love to have “drum mode” where you can play back all the sounds in the sound pool as one shots across the buttons. I think A4 has something like this but can’t quite remember what it’s called. Other than the occasional DSP boot failure this machine is pretty much the most immediate and fun groove box I’ve used. And it’s the best sounding synth I’ve maybe ever heard.



That would be awesome, never thought of it!



I had this idea last night as well. Even a feature where you can “set” all of the trigs to have a sound lock on them, so you can change the track sound and add new trigs, then set those sound locks and change track sound again… if that makes any sense?


Would be very helpful indeed! In fact I have suggested the exact same thing for Octatrack a while back.
I’d love to jam freely with 16 FM drums!

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