Digitone feature requests!

If they get synthesizer features we should get rachets then… Fair is fair…




Being a Digitone owner myself, I’d love to see an update with new juicy features as well, but, the Digitone OS is at 1.31, so in a sense we are still ahead of the Digitakt :wink:

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Yes! Lots more synth features to really emphasize the ”Tone” aspect of it!

Perhaps make the base width filter page another resonant multimode filter.

Perhaps a completely new VA engine!

6 operators might be too much, and I don’t necessarily need it, but compatibility with clasic fm sounds would be intriguing.

Something big to make another big splash and shoot the Digitones flying out of shops right into musicians hands!


If Digitone were to get Digitakts Compressor I might actually be on board again


For the DN I think they´re going to include the FX/mix improvement from the DT, the filter delay, maybe the filter EQ, etc.

I´d like to see the compressor as well but the most I´d like for the DN is some sound improvement, something that could make the DN to have different timbres, a wider range of sound basically.


I just want a brightness control and the global mixer setting.

Oh, maybe a mix control for the global overdrive.

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Agreed. Maybe some expansion of the additive side of it, maybe some sort of wavefolding or assignable ring mod between the operators (like the VZ series)…


That would be very nice. Sometimes the DN sounds too much the same so any kind of improvement in that direction would be great.


You could also go a long way by doubling the number of LFOs to four… the ELZ_1 has that, really helps in terms of sound design.


Sure that will be very welcomed!


Yes, make sure of that! :sunglasses:

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Yes or as I’ve requested before LFO designer would be fantastic as an additional LFO. Even an additional dedicated vibrato LFO would be great and free the 2 LFO’s for other mods.
Several of the new DT features would make sense for the DN:

  • Rememeber sub page or remember Settings Menu page.
  • Option for stereo in rather than 2 mono
  • Global settings
  • Neat LFO phase graphics
  • Envelope delay
  • The Compressor!

some thoughts i had

  • envelope looping/retrigger (for me, filter envelope, but also amp and maybe modulator). like if you could set trigless trigs that retrigger the filter env without playing the note again, or just set the env to loop mode, itd be pretty cool.

  • LFOs should be able to modulate any individual operator pitch, or at least the usual Carriers (C and B2) so they can act as additional ops. This is probably expensive for the DSP so unlikely, and it would probably require LFO to have a pitch/key-tracking multiplier mode on the rate so it can be ratio’d.

  • linear interpolation of p-locks between trigs. again probably not possible or too expensive. suppose step 1 i set the filter freq to 50, step 2 i set it to 75, there is a discrete jump. if it interpolated those 2 values and smoothly transitioned them itd be cool. could do some really slow/evolving ambient stuff

  • in keyboard scale mode (not Chromatic) would be cool to be able to force any chord variant on the root note. So KB Chord=ON would give you the standard only-in-scale triad chords, a new KB Chord=“QUAD” would give you only-in-scale 4-note chords, and then still open up the rest of the KB Chord modes (maj, min, 7th, min7, maj7, dim, dim7) which would force chords on the root but that might be out of scale. Also, add an AUG mode for augmented chords? Would make exploring key changes easier.

  • the EQ-filter mode on the Digitakt 1.3 is pretty cool.

  • definitely the compressor :slight_smile:

  • definitely the midi arp

these are some crazy features and probably not the usual target of digitone users. I have been oddly doing some deeper sound design and drone/ambient stuff and run into these limitations. which is not really what the box was originally intended for, I get it. Its OK, I can always get another box. but would be cool to have the flexibility, if at all possible.


It would be really nice to have a virtual analogue algorithm that you can select.
I’ve no idea how the other pages/controls would have to work but it would be awesome.

I’m mostly joking obviously, but just imagine…
You’ve done it now Elektron, I’m dreaming BIG with updates! :wink:


All great ideas.

Definitely an easy musical (maybe follows notes or root note or type can choose not freq) per track EQ.

And the Dimmer.


This one feels especially lacking when considering using the Digitone keys as a master keyboard.

I mean, the $60 Akai LPK25 keyboard has an ARP :joy:


It is a sequencer though… So not really the same, you can easily program a arp in the sequencer. They would be cool though it should output midi.