Digitone - No sound on some tracks (not a mute issue)

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This problem just happened to me Tracks have no volume when all volumes are up. Even when trying to select a new sound you get nothing. Any suggestions? I am stumped and frustrated.

I created a support ticket with Elektron and they said this is rare but not unheard of. Have you tried copying all of the trigs to a new pattern, or even a new pattern in a different bank, or even a new pattern in a different bank in a different project? Worth a shot.

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also make sure you understand the mute modes. I was new to Elektron at the time and to DN. I no longer have the pattern in question but make sure you don’t have any of the different mute modes enabled… stating the obvious I know, but just mentioning it in case…

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Hit the “Unison” button and check your locked voices That did it for me Good luck

I tried that early on, but hey I’m glad you got it sorted!

I have the same problem, unison if off everywhere, all 4 tracks are unmuted, levels are 100%

Same here, after clearing the pattern the sounds came back. Very odd.

i have this problem too

i once had a similar issue. I was accidentally hitting the mod stick on my midi keyboard and for some reason those controls are pre-wired to the bandpass filter. if I hit it hard enough all sound would go away, but sometimes only the bass would cut out which helped me eventually figure out what was going on.

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There are 3 separate mutes per channel. Audio Mute, Pattern Mute and then Audio to main which is per track.

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I’ve got the same issue here - checked volumes- global mutes/ pattern mutes - I also have the weird issue where global mute doesn’t mute track 1 at all - even if it’s red track light is off .
Track one is the only track that can play a sound.

ok -sorry - user error - I had accidentally plugged audio cables into track 1’s outs, instead of the mains. :upside_down_face: