Digitone or Deluge?

Some people can work around the DT/DN lack of song mode just fine, as you can easily set up multiple patterns, copy them, adjust the copies, and then line them up how you like. I was not one of those people, and while I appreciate many other aspects of the Elektron workflow, the lack of song mode was a dealbreaker for me.
The deluge song and arranger modes, on the other hand, are perfect for me. I can easily “see” each clip, position it where I need it, tweak as necessary, and play a whole song all together. So if you want song mode, get a deluge, or if you really want the Elektron workflow, the Octotrak (or RYTM, Analog4).

I still struggle with some aspects of using samples on the Deluge. I am trying to figure all the methods out for this, as it is harder without a screen, for sure. I miss some of the ways the digitakt handles samples. But since I don’t use samples as much, it is not a deal breaker for me. IF I decide to get more heavily into samples, I’ll look at picking up the DT again, or better yet, get an OT.

Oh if I could afford an Octotrak I’d get it! But I can’t. So I won’t.

Maybe I’m being a bit of a newbie here, but what’s the difference between song mode and pattern mode? Surely if you can chain patterns together in a desired order, that’s a song??

Song mode vs pattern. I’m sure you can find examples of both on YouTube, but as far as I know, you can’t save any pattern chain you create in the DT or DN. Also, you can’t have more than one pattern playing at the same time.
On the Deluge you can save your clips as songs without having to “rechain” them every time you wish to play the song.
This is hard to describe with words, I highly recommend checking some videos, ha.

I think the Deluge paired with a Roland MC-101 is a perfect combination. The power of the Deluge for composing, sampling, looping, midi and song mode(arranger) combined with the wonderful sound engine of the MC-101. And…both are battery powered.


I’ll check it out thanks.

But you said ‘you can line them up as you like’. Which is a song? What did you mean ‘line them up’?

Totally. Started the Deluge-mc101 combination a few time ago, very strong potential

I wrote at Deluge forum and also sent email to them asking to improve Deluge.
I like Deluge, the workflow is very fast, you can compose, program anything you want very fast. The problem of Deluge as I wrote is synth engines and fx section (and design too… i like modern style)
I think Deluge owners should insist on faster developing of Deluge firmware to get better synth engines and fx like stereo width, compression, limiter etc.
I would prefer to have Deluge 2 with amoled screen and also Synthstrom (Deluge company) should hire sound designers. I bought some pack with synth presets for Deluge and it really sounds better then factory presets.
So Deluge is great but not perfect they need to improve it…

if they have no money for production of Deluge 2 they could create preorders I think.

yeah. I have to say - something’s putting me off the Deluge, the idea of one box doing everything. I’d rather specialise with a few individual boxes. E.g. A sampler that does sampling, an FM synth that does FM synths, etc. Slowly expand and have separate instruments at my fingertips. This was my entire reasoning behind getting away from a DAW. It’s like the Deluge is a hardware DAW!

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I personally prefer to have hardware DAW. I do not like several devices in a setup…
I want to have an option to sit on a sofa with Deluge (better Deluge 2 :slight_smile: ) with my studio headphones…
ok… but again… still there is no perfect hardware DAW for now…

Yeah I know what you mean!

Faster development??? The firmware development of the Deluge is the fastest of all hardware devices I own.


But you’d also want a sequencer that does sequencing. And you don’t want an arbitrary track limit as your brain. You want per step automation and control, quickly programmable hardware to send midi cc changes and record automation. You’d probably want infinite tracks that you can toggle between or arrange. Separate step length per pattern, triplet mode out of the box, step resolution up to 384th notes and tempos from 0bpm up to 999 adjustable in real-time.

It should also be able to build melodic lines or drum racks for controlling and sequencing different machines in different ways. Bonus points if you can build a sample based or synth based drum machine without external hardware while you work on your track.

Your want it to be a midi host for quick note entry without any trickery and ideally if it could be battery powered with an add on sound generator just in case, that would be awesome especially as you’re planning your specific gear for specific purposes. And yea it can sample and even record whole tracks or resample itself. But really - just think of it as a sequencer that gives you a couple of very capable additional features.

Promise I don’t work for deluge but they update it at an unbelievable clip, and I think - like elektron stuff you just need to take some time to understand what it’s really all about to really appreciate the absolutely silly power it offers.

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let’s say if you heave one feature you can improve it and release updates quickly, but what about going on further?
so let’s fix my words: “Deluge needs wider firmware development”

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That sounds different, and better

All awesome to read, but for some reason the sheer scope it offers actually puts me off.
I’m trying to limit myself, after the insane amount of options I handicapped myself with on the iPad / iOS. I just had too much stuff to play with, so I didn’t play with anything.

I’m really really interested in limitations as a creative force.

Very fair point. Don’t sleep on the polyend tracker either then. That thing is a joy for forcing you into a new way of thinking. I’d probably pair it with a digitone over an elektron sampler just because it would limit you in two different but related ways and force you to think creatively.

One of my driving forces is gear I can bring to my office- work on and then take home to my studio. The deluge is great for that and also excels when you “play” in a lot of your sequences via midi keyboard. The DN which is in my office right now is excellent for building smaller patterns with inspiring sounds to later dump into a daw and turn into a full track. The tracker (yes, I have too much gear, I assume I’m in good company here) is an interesting midpoint that is actually close to an elektron workflow with song mode but a bit more visual and very competent at sampling.

Can’t wait to see what you settle on.

yes I’ve checked out the polyene tracker, it looks really interesting. And I love what Polyene are doing - their sequencer is insane.

I’m definitely going for a Digitone. I ticks so many boxes, and the ones it doesn’t tick I think will be good jumping off points for other gear.

I find the lack of a song mode isn’t too impactful. You can do most everything by switching patterns. It does sort of limit the ability to quickly put down longer melodic lines or be more freeform about your arrangement. It mainly depends on the type of music you make. If you make stuff with lots of looping parts it is incredible, less good for more classic progressions.

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Digitone on it’s way!!


some more track, electronic, made with Deluge

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