Digitone pattern change from Octatrack

I’d like to know if there was a definitive answer to this bummer.

Sometimes PC change is right, i change Bank and it is all weird.
Right now i have a pattern on OT BANK 9 / DN A09 that switches automatically to A01 after the DN Master Length number of steps. I’m not even trying to change pattern but to keep the same on the DN after playing start for now…

I’m using a Midi track for the PC change since the DN don’t have enough Banks, would it be the reason?

I’m not sure that I fully understand what you’re asking, but it may be worth noting that the MIDI Program Change message only has 128 possible values (enough for 8 banks of 16 patterns on Elektron instruments).

The Octatrack has 16 banks of 16 patterns each, so the first 8 banks (A to H) and the second 8 banks (I to P) have to be addressed separately. This is done using the MSB of the MIDI Bank Select message, which is MIDI CC 0, referred to by Elektron as BANK.

If you send the correct value of BANK as well as the Program Change number (PROG) from the DN, you can get the OT to change to the desired pattern.

For OT banks A to H, use BANK = 0 on the DN.

For OT banks I to P, use BANK = 1.

Set SBNK to OFF.

Waw precious information, never heard about it, thanks!

But in my case OT is the Master and DN the Slave.
On the OT midi track dedicated to PC change, i have Bank 0 and Prog 8 and it is starting on the right pattern on the DT (A09). But after a cycle equivalent to a Master length, it switches to A01 on the DN, which would be Bank 0 Prog 0 on the OT.

The only workaround i found is to set DN Master length on INF and this works just so i can work on the song. If i come from another Bank the PC change is not following. I’m lost.

So if you are using an OT MIDI track to send the PC message, you probably need to ensure that you have disactivated PROG CH SEND in the OT’s PROJECT > MIDI > SYNC menu because that will send the OT’s current pattern number to the DN. But that fix will quite likely give you a delayed pattern change from using the MIDI track.

Your best bet will likely be to activate PROG CH SEND in the menu, not send PC messages from the OT’s MIDI track, and align the pattern numbers on both instruments.

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Then i would hit the ceiling of only 8 patterns on the DN.

What “ceiling of only 8 patterns” on the DN? The DN has eight banks, each of which holds 16 patterns.

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Sorry, mispelled another time, i meant 8 banks. Why on earth did not give the DN 16 banks? That would be too simple i guess.

You could always use the patterns in the OT’s 8 additional banks to sequence the DN.

That’s what i am trying to do.

I’m currently trying to have a Bank I sesuencing a pattern A09 on the DN. Doesn’t work so far.
I thought to dedicate the DN Bank patterns 9-16 to the upper Banks of the OT.

I still dont understand what you’re asking.

It seems like youre making this way more complicated than it needs to be. Its a one to one relationship when using programe change.
Bank A pattern 1 , then bank A pattern 2 etc.

I use this daily, it works flawlessly, and passes prog change on to my TR8-S.

Note: if the master pattern length on OT and DN is not identical (eg OT 64 steps, DN 128 steps) you’ll get weird stuff.

Its easy to figure out what needs to be done though.

I would not be surprised, i usually do it.

My setup is the same as yours (although my auto channel is 10) and it’s fine as long as you keep things like OT A01 -> DN A01, etc.

My question is: how do you use OT I01 (up to P16) in relation with the DN?
How to use more than 8 Banks on the OT and have the DN following the desired pattern?

I startto think the only workaround would be to use Parts as new song. Like SONG 1 IN A01 and song 2 in A02, with total different parts.

Answer: Dont. Keep it simple.

Thats my take on it. I make albums, and have made many live sets for gigs. 8x 16 patterns is easily enough space.


That will not make any difference to your pattern mapping difficulty.

You are trying to map 256 patterns on the OT to 128 patterns on the DN.


Depends on the genre you’re playing. I don’t do electronic music genre based but i incorporate electronic elements to more traditional music.
In my case the playlist is more like 12 tracks minimum.

I get what you mean but i use very few if not just a single pattern per song.
I am live looping and playing with the tracks I have on that pattern.
The structure of the songs depend on the order of the live looping, some stops and reintroduction of loops, few scenes, that’s it.
So basically i just need like 12 patterns minimum but in a manageable order.

Ok one pattern per song.

128 songs no?

Thats one hell of an album. And a very long live set.

You don’t answer the question.
What do you propose as to: how to switch from bank 8 to 9 on the OT and having the pattern on the DN not being reset to its bank A?

Yes I did. See above.

If you refer to

I guess i’ll wait for a more effective answer.


@PeterHanes also pointed out

You cant squeeze 2 pints of beer into 1 pint glass.

Senario: you want the OT to go from Bank 8 to Bank 9, but you dont want the DN to switch to Bank 1 when this happens.

Simple Solution: Change banks manually on both machines.

So even by setting the OT Midi track to BANK=0 and Prog=8, the DN won’t switch to A09?

That’s the bit i don’t understand. I don’t think it is overpassing the limit of patterns to ask to switch a simple pattern such as A09.

Changing manually, on time, with a guitar in the hands, not very practical.
The goal for me is to automatize a max of technical operation (sequencing the loops recording, pattern change, FX presets, etc) so i can focus on playing.
When i struggle ages for something that seems so dead simple as a pattern chaining, i really feel the limits of this hardware. There’s litterally no session these days where i don’t encounter limitations that make me loose much time and energy instead of making actual music.