Digitone vs Blofeld?

You are right, sorry overseen this. :flushed:

At the end it’s personal taste … I like this little thing just as it is and what I can do with it :smiley:

Picked up my used Blofeld last night! Gonna hook it up to my Digitakt and AK today… Any tips on midi setup and or some general Blofeld tips to get me started would be gratefully received!

Blofeld responds well to program changes from DT, so go wild with the P-locks if you want.

If you want to sequence the BF multi-timbrally from the DT, you’ll have to learn the Blofeld’s multi-mode, which is… not complicated exactly, but there’s a lot of button-pushing to get there, and the combinations are not intuitive. TBH I’ve found the Blofeld the most difficult piece of hardware to really, properly get my head around. DT is an absolute cakewalk by comparison.

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Used the Digitakt + Digitone with Blofeld yesterday. Very nice setup!
The Digitone have channel 1-4 in the Digitakt miditrack and the Blofeld 5-8.
You need to mute the Channels 1-4 in the Blofeld Mutlichannel Mixer.

Routing: Digitakt midi out > Digitone Midi in > Digitone Midi Tru > Blofeld Midi in


I sold the Blofeld.
Very boring to edit. Didn’t like lfos behavior. Filters not great. No accurate encoders. No regrets.

Much prefer the Micromonsta I received a few weeks ago. Better sound, VERY easy to use, nice little matrice, clever arp with midi output (didn’t test). I think I’ll buy a 2nd one for polychain.
All osc have variations, like sine > saw > pulse for exemple, and you have wavetables.
No Fm. Monotimbral but you can cheat with MPE.

I was planning to buy DN, but it will wait. 2 Micromonstas is nearly OT’s width.

Yeah, I’ve discovered the Blofeld has a hideous clicky sound on over half it’s preset sounds because they allow the wave forms to start at any point, with no prevention in the programming. It’s atrocious. Dialling in amp attack / release to prevent it then makes the sounds pretty unusable. How is this not a bigger issue for people?! I’ll live with it for a week, see if the multi-timbrality and wavetable stuff etc. makes it usable for pads, otherwise it’ll be back on eBay!

wow, so much blofeld hate…

Let me bring some love here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rhPx7d1JkQ


& zthere’s this guy on " Why I got a Blofeld in 2018"


I have such a love/hate relationship with the Blofeld. It can make some incredible, complex, detailed sounds, but it can also turn to digital mush. The oscillators have to mixed almost like separate instruments. Incredible for pads, but I’ve never made a bass that worked in the mix with it.

To replace a digital wavetable synth with an excellent made analogue simulation indicates that the wavetable synth was just the wrong thing for this task. It’s intended that both synth concepts generate very different sounds.

If I wanted to create analogue like sounds with a VST or virtual analogue synth, I definitely would’t start this with a Waldorf wavetable synth :wink:


DN will have OB? Says you…

But seriously, I just bought a brand new Blofeld from MF and had it 3 days now. First day, I had the encoder problems. Not jumpy, just didn’t respond on the filter cutoff encoder. Now it mostly works… Still probably sending it back. Maybe I got a bad impression because of the encoder problems, or maybe it’s the sounds.

Some of the factory sounds are quite good, but most are trash. When I create a patch, it’s mostly trash, but sometimes they come out very good :slight_smile:

The thing is, it doesn’t feel like an INSTRUMENT like some synths do (even digital ones). My Digitakt feels like an instrument to me. My Waldorf Nave iPad app feels like an instrument (kind of) and my AniMoog (iPad/iPhone) DEFINITELY feels like an instrument. Has nothing to do with analog/digital. Some boxes have magic in them, and songs that want to come out. This one, for me, I’m trying to make songs, but they sound contrived. Sounds like I was forcing myself to use a sound that wasn’t inspiring.

It’s all a shame because I’ve wanted one for years and always loved the sound of them on YouTube in dawless jam tracks or whatever. Recently saw Ela Minus who uses one and a Minitaur (with an Analog Rytm and mpc1000) and that’s what really made me pull the trigger on this. For the same price I would be much happier with the Minitaur alone, but wanted that multi-timbral and wavetable functionality. Not worth it.

It’s 100% AMAZING on paper, and the UI is fine (ignore the haters). Easy to navigate, even with multi-mode. What’s not easy is to get inspiring sounds out of it. It’s not a track-starter and that’s not something I can forgive.

I’m not 100% sure I’ll buy a DigiTone in the future, but I really might… Just wish I didn’t have all these empty MIDI-tracks on the sequencer staring at me… wanting a synth to sequence… IT NEEDS SLAVES!


Nice free Goldbaby sample pack of Blofeld drums:


Percussion is one aspect of the Blo where it has always felt easy to get results.

I traded my Nord Lead 2x for the keyboard version about a month ago and i’m very happy with it so far. The keybed is vastly superior and supports aftertouch, which were my main gripes with the Nord.

I’m using it mainly as a controller for my other synths at the moment, the semi weighted keys have made it more satisfying to just riff and come up with ideas. However I do plan on using the Mnm to sequence it eventually.

I’ve got my bass, leads, and percussive elements covered by other gear, leaving pads and big chords up to the Blo. From what i’ve read this is where it really shines and stands out from the rest. Modulating the wavetables with envelopes, lfo’s and the mod matrix can conjure up some wild sounds i’ve never been able to create with hardware.

I’ve still got my eye on the DN but am very satisfied with the Blo thus far!

I prefer the DN sequencer

Try the new 1.25 OS update

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I had the Blofeld but sold it long ago, grew unimpressed both with sound and UX.
Haven’t tried the DTone personally but if it is anything like DTakt UX-wise and you can live without analog, go for it.

Waldorf definitely cut way too many corners when they made the Blofeld.
Very disappointing synth, particularly when accustomed to their previous products.
If you want the waldorf sound, save your pesos and grab a Q or XT. They are incredible instruments

Yeah, I’ve already got Analog Keys and Sub Phatty for analog / leads / bass… And Digitakt for drums, sampling and another crazy sequencer. And Yamaha MOX for solid keys stuff. So the Blofeld is for that digital sound world, wavetable etc… chords and pads! And to make convenient use of the Digitakt midi tracks.

Despite my issue with the clicks and pops it produces on note starts and the annoyingly difficult library management of patches, I’ve found building my own patches with it quite engaging. The UI is easy enough to be honest, and I can easily lose an hour crafting a few new sounds whilst the Digitakt rolls through sequences. I’d disagree that it isn’t a track starter - creating a texture, or stylised sound can be just the trick.

So after the first few days with it, the Blofeld is surviving… For now…

Didnt have a DT but I would never give my black Blowie away, its just to much fun to mangle sound out from its depth…
You can spend hours of designing and testing… Best bucks for bang ratio, got a 2018 model from amazon for just 358€, no problems at all with FW 1.25, even sl license is working like a breeze…

na, just my 2 cents :stuck_out_tongue: