Hi, is it possible to disable the reset of a pattern on pattern change? Every time I change from pattern 1 to pattern 2 it’s resetting and playing from the 1st step. Let’s say I have T1 set on 7/16 and T2 16/16. I cannot have a pattern set to INF as it won’t change, and I want T2 to reset/retrig after every 16 steps but I want T1 to keep playing. So if I change the pattern on 16th step, T2 will start from 1st step and T1 will stay on whatever step it was, let’s say step 3 instead of resetting to step 1. Basically I need some sort of DIRECT JUMP (legato mode pattern switching) which immediately changes patterns and the new pattern would start playing from the position where the previous pattern left off… Is it possible to achieve this somehow?
A4/AK and AR have Direct Jump Mode (and Sequential Mode as well as Direct Start Mode) Octa doens’t.
Maybe try plays free mode?
No direct jump.
What about a 112 step Master length?
(Calculated with this :
Elektron Octatrack: Track Trigs/Multiplier to Master Length Calculator)
Play free tracks maybe…
This would be the correct way to do it. Calculate the real master length of your polymeter and use that as your master length.
But this won’t make any sense as I want my pattern to change after 16th step is reached. If I set it to 112 step length etc. I will have to wait that long until another pattern becomes active. Strange that it’s available for A4/AR but not OT…
You can set Pattern Change Behavior to 16/16.
Maybe that’s not what you want.
They were realeased after OT.
The in pattern settings (func + edit while not in grid recording mode) select pattern change to 16 instead of p.len
Sorry guys, it’s not what I am looking for. I am after “LEGATO” mode and sadly I don’t think it’s possible with OT according to this thread from 2014…
EDIT: I’ve just uploaded a video to describe the “issue”. My polyrhythmic pattern from modular is playing nicely but as soon as I change the pattern from 1 to 2 or 2 to 1, it breaks. In Ableton it used to be an option called legato mode, I believe the same is in AR/A4 called “Direct”…
Page settings: 7/16 Master INF, for kick 16/16 Master INF. Project settings 16/16 (as I want pattern changes to occur after 16 beats, not 112, 48, 23 etc…)
I did but it doesn’t work as expected. Please see the above video
Yeah that’s as good as you’re going to get without setting the change to a mathematically correct number. The patterns will play from trig 1 of their tracks when changing. The only way to make sure it’s seamless is to make the change length happen on the bar where the 1s all line back up. Notice in your video the change sounded different since the off “grid” track is in a different realative position each time.
That’s a bit disappointing. Useless for live improvised scenario, unless you’re brave enough to keep counting beats in your mind while performing. I wish Direct change could be implemented in OT, same way as in A4/AR…
In case it helps, as others have mentioned tracks can be “plays free”…
If a track is set to plays free and the pattern you switch to has that same track number set to plays free, the previous patterns plays free track will keep going until you launch the current patterns plays free track, which has a quantized launch option.
Edit: I think this is only good for looping samples but not sequences… See pages 73 and 74: https://www.musicbycatabolic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ElektronNextLevel2016.pdf
I was desperately trying to achieve the same thing with my new Octatrack and bumped into this thread.
Have you found by any chance a workaround for this issue in the meanwhile?
You can make it happen on one track at a time: