Distortion pedal for a MAM MB33 (or other 303/clones)

So many contributions. Saturation and non-linear it is a passion mine, great to read yours.

For this specific topic, what I’m looking for a “soft”, something the enhances the sound and introduces non linearity but doesn’t “destroy” the signal (nothing wrong with that, it’s just not what I’m after)

I own a moogerfooger ring modulator and indeed the gain knob is delicious. It is tasked with my sub37 though and I can’t separate them :blush:

Maybe I try some boss overdrive, it may be closer to the sound I’m after than distortions and fuzz and destroyers :grinning:

Again, I don’t mean to stop the conversation, so great to see so many variations!!

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Also try the pre-amps of your analog line mixer, however cheap, or driving the outputs hard. Sometimes, that’s all I need.


Seriously! The only downside I see is that it is iPad only. I keep hoping fabfilter will make it universal so we can run it on a phone.

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I’ve been lucky so far, I can easily still run Saturn on its own on my iPad Air (which is practically ancient in Apple time). It actually can still run all my favorite apps and multiple ones in AUM if I dont get too crazy. Besides the iPad I’m not an Apple person but yea, it would be great for the iPhone crowd if you could run something like Saturn just from your phone!

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I came from the same position as you, wanting something to add saturation to my TT-303, with enough room to explore before it completely squashed the signal. I also was looking for something to bring up low end again when resonance was high.

My first stop was a Boss Blues Driver BD-2, which provided a good tone and plenty of room for finding softer saturation. Background noise was pretty high though and the low end wasn’t boosted. I really like the tone it gave the TT-303 though.

Searching on I ended up with a Hamstead Subspace which has a wealth of settings for soft and hard saturation/distortion/fuzz plus an EQ that can be switched in pre or post saturation circuit (or instead). I haven’t looked back since.

Also, something that has been mentioned everywhere on this site, but I did not understand in the beginning with the 303 type sounds: they really shine extra well if you add a reverb after the distortion, ideally one that can be set to have a pretty long pre-delay. The mix of slap-back echo and smear from the saturation through reverb can interact in interesting ways rhythmically and tone-wise with your Bassline.

Seeing this pop up again has got me wondering how the distortion and/or filter drive on the OT sounds on 303.
Has anyone used it? Maybe I’ll do some experiments!

By far the best I tried. And no noise ! Zero !


Interesting. I had this on my radar, but there are not many demos.
Any chance of getting some sound samples?

I can do some when I am back in the studio.

In the meantime check this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8PRobc0QhU&list=PLoa2JNCENfwMuYaV6M30AauTMZlH-XIcE&index=8

I usually use Channel 1 for my kick. It has a function there it let the transient through. And the right side for 303. I don’t like it too aggressive. Of course you can use both sides for mega mayhem. And did I said : it has zero noise ? Don’t know how he did it ! But that was always the biggest turned of with distortion pedals for me. The noise !

And the right side has peak filter for even more different flavors.

And it’s done handmade by a very lovely couple from the UK. Absolute nice build quality. The whole chassis is metal.

I love Old Blood Noise Endeavors’s Fault on my DB-01. I actually just picked up an MB33, but it came with a German power supply so I have to wait for the US one to get here before I can try it out. Fingers crossed.

Hi there, I’m waiting for my mb33 to arrive! while waiting I watched all the videos and posts about it that I could find, I still have some questions for you who love this unit. is this also part of the character of the instrument or with a classic sequencer can you create classic acid lines with ease? second question: has anyone tried the circuitbender mod? How does it look compared to the original version? third and last: still about distortion and saturation, have you tried to use strymon deco with 303? I’ve been wanting to get that pedal for a while and it seems like a good match

  • You can create classic acid lines with ease, as long as you use a 303 type sequencer or a technique which allows you to craft these lines.
  • The circuit-bent mod is great to have more flexibility with the sound, but it can create extreme results. In terms of looks, it’s like on the pictures?
  • Not used a Strymon deco, but I wouldn’t use a digital distortion on an analogue 303 clone. I can vouch for the double-trouble from S-cat though. Having a 2nd distortion and a filter on the same unit is great.
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Sorry about that, it was a wrong translation of how it sound.
Good point about Deco, I tried it once some time ago and the color that it gives was really in my taste, I don’t like heavy distortion.
I would say that I just have to wait for the unit to arrive!

(About the circuit mod it will be something that I will keep in mind but in any case I can’t do it right away because they only work with the UK)