Division Department 01/IV

Sorry to be ‘that guy’ with the boring question about an interesting instrument but … can you get a decent kick from one osc? Nice snappy envelopes?

{ also on the pre-order }

This is a must have box! Great build, feel and sound!!! And very interesting ways to use it!
Hopefully I can get one soon!



I love these. So much mid-naughties dancing to minimal techno.


I’ll be looking forward to you featuring it in some music. I’d love one myself. Having only 4 tracks makes it a pretty appealing companion to some other gear.

ok, just did a very quick recording, tweaking some parameters on the kick that I designed before, so you can decide for yourself…


Ace. Thanks so much :pray:

Is ‘drone mode’ switchable per osc, or ‘global’ (all four osc)?

every voice is independent, but you can combine two for fm or layering.


hah! not trying to boast, just saying it’s interesting enough that even with a syncussion, I still want one. (pretty sure I’m ordering one from this run, btw)

also my syncussion is of the much cheaper THC clone variety, not the original one (maybe some day though…).

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I looked at this back during the first round of ordering. Dismissed it at the time, because I was “good on drums”. I love the form factor though, and it seems like everyone who tries it loves it. Of course, I just came across this video, and now I’m hovering over the add to cart button…


Holy crap.

I just ordered one :grimacing:

Jumped on the band wagon as well. :cowboy_hat_face:


Well, now that you mentioned it…

It seems like it does the typical tones in a very drum machine fashion, and does them well. Is there more to be had? I’m thinking of weird sounds, glitches, pops, crackles…

Also, another one: Have you taken advantage of the MIDI implementation? How much is controllable there, vs. how much do you have to tweak manually? Looking at the chart, it seems almost like very trivial things are the only ones that have been automated, but what’s your take on it?

Thanks so much.

Cool kit. This and the DN would be a hell of a pairing.


I look at it as a drum synth, a sound expander to my DT that is immidiate and I can tweak on the go.

It is deeper than I expected from the first look at it and takes some time to internalise the possibilities.

it is capable of plenty weird sounds and noises. you can listen to some examples here:

I use midi mainly to sequence triggers and velocity. but you can select different LFO shapes via midi cc, that can get you crazy results. something I want to explore more in the future.

the 808 style hi-hat noise sounds really good and consists of 6 oscillators that you can tweak through midi. unfortunately you can’t change decay with midi, that could have been cool to program open and closed hi-hat sounds.


So it responds to velocity? that’s great news :ok_hand:

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anyone here been using this? anything to cure my GAS or should I just go for it

Model:cycles kind of cured my GAS.


My order arrived yesterday. Spent an hour or so with it - it’s fun!