DIY slide-out midi keyboard shelf suggestions?

i’d really like to set up a slide-out shelf under the front of my main music-making desk, to hold my ESI Keycontrol 49XT

it weighs about 5kg, which is quite hefty, so it’d need to be quite sturdy.

anyone got any suggestions or mods that they’d care to share?

I made my own diy desk to hold both some of my equipment and serve as an office desk at times. It has a keyboard tray that is quite wide. It holds an AKAI mpk49 as well as a computer keyboard and mouse and some guitar pedals. My wife and I made the desk out of countertop material (forgetting the name of the stuff off the top of my head), the tray is made of the same material. The things that allow the tray to slide out were just drawer things. All materials were easily found at a local large home improvement chain store. So far it has worked out very well. I think the entire desk cost less that fifty us to make.

sweet - i have been looking at drawer sliders and think i’ve worked out how to do it. i already have a sturdy desk to attach it to, so should work ok. cheap solutions are the best :stuck_out_tongue: