Dnb Machine

Simply, :elot:…you with me?

Hi @mrcrappypantson.
Could you elaborate ? :content:


It had been awhile since I fired up the Octatrack. The last thing I was working on was 2 dnb patterns. Had a go with the cross fader, track mutes, scenes etc. and gosh it was fun. It was literally just drums and bass which I think the OT is very good at.


I concur!

Anything loop based really.

I go breakcore crazy on mine after the right amount of beers.


:elot: satisfies my 90s jungle/drum n bass roots. And the fun of doing much of it realtime is the icing on the cake. The sound quality though…



The Octa defo seems like the right choice for a one box DnB machine. But then I also think of what Spin Scott does with just one old MPC, though its more live Jungle not DnB.

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New update concerning slots and slices can be powerfull with external midi or midi loopback.

Slots control at 2m08s for DnB.

Slices control

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Just to nip this in the bud before we got another one of those posts again.

Filter OFF
Timestretch OFF

Transparent audio


The sound quality comment was a joke of course. I like how it sounds. I even like the lofi effect that I feel like doesn’t get much love.

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