Do looks matter?

Seeing as another recent thread (don’t remember which one), recently brought up the Aira series as an example of how an instrument can be so visually revolting, it prevents people from buying it, despite its other values, I figured this deserved a separate thread.

When you pick your instruments - do looks matter?

What’s your absolute favourite looker? And its foul nemesis?

My favourite is the Electribe MK-II:s, especially the ES-1. They’re beatiful, like something from that sci fi-movie made by Spike Jonze.

And the opposite would have to be the JD-XA. It smells of sulphur, like something my son made after a hot bowl of chili. And he’s in diapers still.

The Moog Sub37 is a beauty.
Roland gaia sh01 is a real eyesore.

Look counts. It is secondary but it does.


Looking at the guitars on my wall, it’d be hypocritical if I said no.

I believe this is what’s responsible for the lack of success of the Alesis Ion / Micron. I have a Micron and love it to bits but it looks like a useless toy. :smiley:


My favourite is Analog Rytm, and i own it!!!

Looks is not the main reason for buying but certainly act a lot. When I seen the mother 32 moog for the first time I find it so beautiful that I wanted to buy it. Then i though what does this beautiful things can bring to my musical practice ? The reason wins… this time :wink:

In other example I have two box I can’t sell, my boss dr 50 (Edit : 55, sorry) and my jomox 999. Just because I find them really beautiful. Even if I don’t really use the boss.

The jomox, as soon as my eyes fall on, I want to play with. So nice object. The stereotype of the BAR.
The feeling of the square instrument button (as the one on old computer) is also a pleasure to be taken in account. In that point, Elektron trigs are not really satisfying. *

But when I jam with other musicians, my MD always meet a lot of “hoô what a nice thing”.

So I know that looks of gear count in our appreciation of gear. The conter example would be aira series. If I use them, I would certainly change their appearance in view to banish this horrible 80’s poor dj style gear. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

*except for the click of the little push buttons that is an abomination.

In the past i wasn’t looking on design, just functionality

but this changed with my first Elektron, also the white Waldorf Blofeld catched my eye

not to me (although I prefer black coloured gear).

The Airas, as gaudy as they look, I woulda bought em if I thought they did what I was looking for. I know this is not a popular opinion but IMHO the ACB modelled stuff doesn’t sound all that interesting… it’s somehow like alot of “sweet spots” are missing? Hard to describe properly.

And I just bought a DSI Evolver desktop - it’s like a webpage from the golden geocity years! But oh boy does it sound good enough for me to forget all about the appearance :wink:

My prettiest piece of gear is the AR, with a moog lp stage II taking a close second. Or wait, my Nagra III is a design classic as well! Actually, I cannot name a fave after all, sorry…

Ugliest might be one t00b headphone amp I sometimes use for “warming up” DVS, or the Evo desktop…

Op-1 and Push 2 are some of the nicest looking machines IMO. I like the looks of the Maschine MK2 quite a bit, but the studio version is really ugly.

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I think the DSI Tempest looks sexy. I’ve never used one, but the button layout looks very sleek and well organized. The Elektron gear has a kind of old IBM Thinkpad vibe with their stealth black looks, which I like a lot.

From the other end of the spectrum, I’ve always thought that the old beige Akai MPCs look more like fax machines with their bulky appearance. And the latest Roland designs with shiny black plastic combined with neon green/red looks hideous, in my opinion.

I saw somewhere a TR-8 with a full black makeover and I would have bought one if it looked like that. So yes, the looks matter :slight_smile:

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The visual is one component of the interface, and the interface is everything when you’re interacting with a tool or instrument. So yes, looks matter. But it certainly matters more to some than it does to others.


Looks matter more to me in relation to my other gear.
I used to have all sorts of different size/color boxes etc.
Once I started getting Elektron gear, I kinda went all in with the black.

So far I got a dark trinity, and on my way to adding the Roland System 500, and probably a mother 32.

The OP1 and any Elektrons look really good to me.

I’d have to say the Behringer BCR2000 always looked ugly enough to keep me from buying one. The functionality and layout make since for what it is, but it’s just gross looking to me.

I think Overhub looks nice. I like how it has Overhub pasted in big letters across the top of it.

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Looks totally matter. Which is why it’s such a shame when a company spends shit ton of time and money to produce a decent piece of gear then it gets hit with an ugly stick. It must really piss off the folks who made the sound/functionality parts up to snuff.

Anyways. Attractive machines in my book are OG full size ms-20, elektron anything, jomox almost anything, most Moogs.

Terrible looks: no one mentioned Beat Thang?! I know, it’s not really an instrument so it doesn’t count. Legendarily ugly though. I’m a little embarrassed of my korg microsampler too.

Roland V2, ugly as fuck.


:astonished: :zonked: :confused: :sob:

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Yep. looks matter.

I’m also really fond of the Electribe es-1 mkII and MS-20. Microkorg and nord leads/wave look pretty neat too. Also Machinedrum and prophet 06.

ugly: dave smith mopho desktop, evolver desktop, aira stuff, roland d, waldoirf micro q rack.

No really how can looks matter ? this is sound/music

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"The visual is one component of the interface, and the interface is everything when you’re interacting with a tool or instrument. "

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Seconded, the OP-1 is beautiful on the inside as well as out.

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I would buy the ugliest instrument if it souds good.
But I prefer good-loocking.
I love my Domininion 1 but I think it looks teriible - the wooden side - pannels don’t fit the rest - I’m gonna paint them balck one day.
I never liked colors for synth’s - they should all be black with simple white printing.
But beauty is a funny thing - what looks ugly now can become a hype in 30 years
Personnaly I think the look of the Yamahe CS- 5-10/15/30 is still the best ever made.
Same for modular stuff - only black with white printing please …
I love the look of the Korg Ms - series.
every time I look at my DOM 1 I don’ understand why they descided to use that kind of side-pannels ??? !!! :disappointed:

Colored Gear ? BWAAARGH !!!