Do not downgrade your OS!

Hello everyone! First post!:slight_smile: sadly for a bad reason…

Yesterday i updated my Rytm to check out the new lfomodes.
But 1.22 was not compatible with my Overbridge host version so i thought “fuck it” and played back the old OS (1.21).
A bit to fast…
When turning on again all my Kits and Patterns were missing. I startet to panic and realized what the manual says:

“Downgrading is generally not recommended as user data may be lost and SysEx backups may not
be compatible.”.

I lately put all my work in just one project, i was even to stupid to make a little backup via CS6 before upgrading the os, it would have cost me five minutes. The stupid thing is - its the second time this happens to me. After having the unit a few months i switched my big project without saving correctly. That was a heavy downfall and it felt like someone close just died.

So i just wanted to make sure you all backup your stuff from time to time!

Ps: upgrading to 1.22 again won’t change anything, right?


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[quote="" Bin""]

You mean grammatical or the content?

Well, as this expression seems to be exaggerated i’ll go with:
“Sometging has died inside.”
Anyway, 115 kits and 50 patterns lost. Months of work passed away :dizzy_face:

Timely reminder. :+1: :+1:
PS the OS can always be upgraded, but if you want it to work with OB you have to upgrade to the compatible OB version

Always sad to read something like this. Losing work is painful.

Save your works as Projects, make backups and keep saving from time to time. It doesn’t take long to save a Project, but it takes forever to rebuild lost work. :disappointed:


exactly. It´s frustrating…
And i´m not sure if it is easier to get over it when you don´t know what
you´ve lost because of the amount of ideas or when you know of specific 2-3 really sick tunes you never recorded. Even if you remember all parts it´s a pain in the ass to recreate and you´ll always have the feeling that the old version was somehow bigger.

At the same time i´d like to think of a lerning process i´m in and next time spend more attention to a few, more elaborated Kits/Patterns with focus on scenes and performance.

“i´m getting tired of starting again somewhere new…”

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i feel for ya bro… sorry this happened to you! … nice touch to warn the others of us !!! (ignore the haters)

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i feel for ya bro… sorry this happened to you! … nice touch to warn the others of us !!! (ignore the haters)[/quote]
Look at this way. Losing a bunch of presets after not following protocols is surely annoying, but it could be a great opportunity to try something new. Presets aren’t alive, even completed tracks aren’t alive, you are alive, and your music is a by-product or a reflection of that, hopefully. You could lose all your gear, but then buy new gear and carry on making music just as good. I think Drexciya used to delete their patches after every track. Its people that make music, not gear.

When a close friend dies, it simply sucks. Its not comparable to losing presets, there is no upside, you can’t replace them, and I’m not “hating”, its just nowhere close to an analogy.

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Happened kinda the same to me with Monomachine wavetables swapping and program sysex upload.
Started to eat my room walls.
But then, the only way was to try to rememeber all the steps i did to get back to the pattern/sounds/kit i created.
No success, it was so loaded of P-Locks here and there, twisted by the head bouncing state i had (you know, when the fun starts with elektrons) that was almost impossible to remember all settings.
The positive to think about: i had great fun at those moments when i was playing, that’s the first goal of these machine.

I stop here, it would become to much philosophy, ala @Bin correct point of view.

I´d give everything and my soul to bring back someone.
Nothing to discuss about.
I found an old backup with some of my first jampatterns and quickly recorded every single track.
The whole thing showed me where im standing, musically. I was tweaking and jamming allday long but did not record the stuff and haven´t finished any tracks recently. instead i was searching for eurorack modules to buy etc… :imp:
I´d like to do it just like afx and release albums as longterm backup. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry to hear whats happend to you. But thanks for the good reminder!! I never made a backup of my A4 and AR. So it will be the first thing to do 2morrow in the studio.

Just a question: Have I to back-up very project … or does it saves all projects incl. patterns, sounds, kits?

You have to backup each project separately unfortunately…

Can anyone point me towards instructions on backing up AR to my pc?

With the new os upgrade I am at a standstill. I just spent a couple hours loading samples & building a new kit out of samples.

Seems my choices are:

  1. Wait for Elektron to fix the retrigger bug.
  2. Downgrade to the previous os so I can resume making music even though I will lose all of yesterday’s work…

3) just dont trigger the AR from midi i.e. use the pads and/or trigs to sequence
it works fine that way

Hey JOB.

I’ do very little programming, mostly do playing & recording.

Major thanks again for guiding me with setting up a sample kit. That was a huge encouragement at a challenging time.

your welcome my fellow elektronaut…

you can still play your stuff in via the RYTMs pads… the bug only occurs with external midi… i know some folks hate the rytms pads but they will work and you can always plock velocity (main problem with the rytms pads). i use the trigs to record sequences in live (as i mostly go for full velocity :))

i’m snowed in in brooklyn…perfect excuse for a day of rytm jamming

I’m in Florida enjoying our thus far 1 week of cold weather (40 degrees).

I use a Yamaha DT Xpress kit to trigger Rytm drums, unless something is beyond my skill & I program a pattern.

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, , SOLUTION , ,

I used C6 app to upgrade to 1.5 again and it worked - all patterns/kits that were saved in the project are back. Good luck!