Does Equipment Matter?

I just posted this thought on Twitter earlier today, but it seems applicable:

The most satisfying thing about this ‘Autechre releases their patches’ phenomenon is that it’s a reminder of how much can be done with tools that half the internet gear nerd user base endlessly moan about being limited. Chop wood. Carry water.



When someone who ask “what is your favorite synth?” I would reply in the past with. “The synth in front of me at any given moment…” and i ment it.

Until i bought a Moog Sub37. Now my answer is “moog sub 37” because that synth is an interactive experience. It begs to be played in every way. Its a pure joy to relate to the interface, it inspires you to explore every inch of its possibility. And on top of that sounds o.k…(understated)

If it sounded that way yet the interface was the same as an emu xl-1 you all would laugh at it. And never get past the plastic yellow face or deeper than the first menue level on the lcd screen.

It really does matter.

Tallent only goes so far. A formula 1 driver could not win grand prix in a Toyota Corolla…(unless they used it to smash every other car off the track).

Skrillex could make that demo becase laptops and software are deep and powerfull tools that can achieve more than ANY harware if you take a look at specs…most harware would cost squillions if they were physical models of basic DAWs.

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To me what matters is the ease to make the music I’ve been toying with over any given period of time into a semblance of a finished idea.
That’s why I have a couple choice pieces of hardware and mostly only software controllers beside that. Because I cam get ideas done that way! Not to make music easy, I come up with my own ideas, just getting them out easier.

For me personally, I have replaced all my hardware with software and a daw obviously. I have just bought a MODX but the jury is still out on that one as well
The only essential hardware for me that will never change is really good monitors

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That would be the greatest auto race in history! Although i imagine the other cars could use their front wings with devastating effect

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As a reminder, this Autechre release was done using only a single drum machine, with no samples, synths or external sequencing.

100% Yamaha RY30.


I have video of a friend absolutely destroying Porsche club drivers in his bone stock Subaru BRZ, at a world famous track, no less. It’s good fun to watch talented individuals ply their craft. :slight_smile:

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Anyone who says ‘less is more’ or ‘one DAW to rule them all’ are just too cheap to buy hardware!

Oh it was! If only I didn’t have to depart with it due to financial reasons. I’d still be rocking that set up, it was perfect for me.

Money has nothing to do with it

I agree the OT is a special kind of beast. One day I’ll have one of my very own, finances permitting.

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Figure out a way to make it happen. It does things no other box can do even if price is no object.


Yeah I once got overtaken down the straight at eastern creek raceway on my gsxr750 by a guy on a 125. Humiliating. Shit he could ride.
In my defense it turned out he was Gary McCoy, lengendary ozzie motogp rider.
Could have beaten me on his moped


STRAYA!!! funny when i wrote the initial version of the above it said that talent only goes so far and that Wayne Gardner couldnt win a grand prix on a pee wee 50…but decided that reference would lose 99% of people…you sir are that 1%…STRAYA…


that vinyl is so sick. LOVE that one!

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I feel less is more, but I’m applying that idea to hardware.


@adam9 but thats like saying use spoon in place of a drum machine.
i destroyed a guy driving an m5 in my wrx. AND in LA my buddy fully wasted a lambo in my wrx. my buds a driver tho…and im willing to wager that the lambo driver had no idea how to drive his car :slight_smile:

but the car analogy isnt really fair. sounds are sounds. how you arrange them is how you come up with a tune. talent comes into play there.

but when you put a lawn mower against a race car, you have too many limitations. with music your only limitation is your mind. doesnt matter HOW good the gear is…if you are not good…that machine wont save you. i am proof of that.


Maybe not Wayne, but Mick could :crazy_face:


Endeavor to be good. It’s the only way.


@Adam9 @psyclone001, I’m in the US but I love tuning into races at Bathurst whenever I can. Hit me up if either of you are ever visit Florida in the US and maybe we can head to Sebring.

We run into Brian Johnson more often than you might imagine. He’s a great guy, by the way. We’ve run into David Hobbs down here too. Small community.