Does Syntakt replace the MD?

Totally. In fact I didn’t enjoy most machines on the MD, save for the EFM and PI (and obviously the RAM machines).

Replaces some of it, but the entire MD? I don’t think. The MD is kind of Octatrack”ish” , the UW sampling capabilities are overlooked. There’s a lot of features of the MD that still make it worth buying in 2022 IF you want those features. The Syntakt can scratch the itch though if you don’t know exactly what you want. It’s new & shiny, updated, scales, etc.

The Syntakt has enough modern features though to make it okay & fill the void in some hearts that the machinedrum left.

It has chords now !


For what it is worth. My Sytakt came in today. The current engines sound fairly unique to the machine and nothing like the MD. In the current state, I would think of ST as a lite version of rytm mashed together with an expanded Cycles.

I feel like there is a lot of confusion about what the ST actually is in comparison to monomachine and the machine drum. Maybe it’s because I am old but I think it is worth remembering these devices in the context of their day.

MD was a flagship boutique device for a then small but high end company. According to this article MD sold for €1,350 at launch in 2001. If you adjust for inflation that’s €1,960.52 ($2102.27) in today’s money. Things were also added to the MD through out its production cycle so it’s a fully realized and mature device today but, it wasn’t always.

The ST is not a flagship device and was made by a different set of designers. It’s the upper end of the current mid tier devices. Its been out less then a week so it hasn’t had time to mature. I think it’s worth re-examining the current expectations. There is no indication that the ST is a MD replacement.


It seams more like monomachine to me.


Syntakt simply cannot replace MD at all. It just doesn’t have the same sound and sound design possibilities. I was pretty disappointed about what the promising Syntakt turned out to be. I love the design of the machine but I don’t get why Elektron put all the model cycles machines in there. Those sounds are fine in the M:C but not in a new product like the ST (IMO of course). I really had expected a more powerful sound like the Machinedrum, Monomachine or the LXR which I don’t think it has. I’m talking about hard hitting punch and character here.

In fact I have decided to get a MD now so no ST for me.
I think all videos by Akeyamasou show this clearly.


When these topics veer into talk of influencers/youtubers it’s sadly a one way ride to trash town - these posts are typically off topic or thinly veiled hate/disdain, often wrt community members here. This is getting increasingly ugly/toxic, and with respect, it’s not a good look for anyone, nor is it useful or constructive … it’s getting tedious dealing with the flags too … can we move on from this


Not exactly the same but I’ve seen similar things done on the M:C…. don’t underestimate those sound engines and less so in the Syntakt where apparently they’ve been improved. Of course it doesn’t have resampling, sadly, but on the synthesis side I think it may be well served.
Machinedrum has several years advantage on firmware refinement, tricks, and hands on experience of thousands of artists.


Now I can’t look for the others but this man for instance is taking M:C to interesting places every time.

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I have owned the MD MK1 and MD UW MK2
the MD was my first encounter with an Elektron Machine.
Since than no other company has made a instrument which had the same effect on me.
Their sequencer is so addictive. I am still a bit sad I got rid of the MD (not the UW version)
But I own a Norddrm 3P - so for drums synthesis I am still good.
I own a OT Mk1, DT, DN, Rytm MK1 and MC

What I like about them all is you can combine than in all kinds of set ups.
But you can also just take one and have some good time with it.

My last Elektrons purchase was the MC ; it’s fun and lightweight. But not as deep as the Digitakt/DN.

I have to be honest, I hoped the Syntakt was a Drum Synthesizer such as the MD ; fully Digital en with a deep control of alle parameters. It ain’t that, but I like what they have done. Taking different parts from the MC, RYTM. I’ve ordered it, just because the DT format is still my favorite. Now with the FX track and the combination of Analog and Digital in 1 housing, I think it seems a great instrument.
I hope they will add some more digital machines, hopefully some from the MD - I do not know if that would be possible, as it seems that the digital track seems to be focussed on FM synthesis.

First I had my eye on the LXR-02 - but I am glad I waited for this.
Mainly because the Syntakt is in the DT format, the FX track, but also because of the combination of the digital and analog sound structure.


From my point of view as a long time user of the machinedrum (bought it 1590€ at launch).

  • The demo i’ve heard as definitly not the same sound signature, so they obviously have a different place in a mix.
  • machinedrum become “legendary” but i think most of people who bought it in the past where not very satisfied by the sound (even more than with octatrack right now =D).
  • syntakt has potential to make the sound of it legendary.
  • There still some difference in architecture and workflow.

I think machinedrum was more a pro products, like option as external output.
syntakt looks more polyvalent, offer lots from this form factor.

I still love my machinedrum and i’m not interested in this one, but that’s more the fact that from what i’ve heard on the demo, the sound of the syntakt make me think of the rytm and i sold mine cause the sound was not for me. So just a personnal feeling.

Coming back on the sound, i saw lots of people in the past buying machinedrum and where not happy cause the sound was too thin, not warm enough … machinedrum took time to be mastered, and often need some synth around to make the mix feel complete, this one looks more immediate and more sufficient alone.

Still machinedrum will go further on experimentation and sound design.

About youtube :joy: i just click on video where it’s write “NO TALK”

Also about RAM machine, nearly no one is using them on the machinedrum :joy:


I what way?

I love everything about the MD, aesthetics, form factor, design concept with no clutter. It’s sublime and is still being developed.

It’s a different beast and anyone who knows the MD’s capabilities, esp with UW versions + the new OS upgrades/MegaCommand options will know that the Syntakt is no replacement.

I could prob enjoy a digi form device if it could capture the MD/MNM in a smaller unit and declutter… but it’s just too busy for me personally and I struggle visually using darker devices for some reason.

Some mention the sound of the MD - there are occasions where you want a slightly beefier sound, so just run it through a pedal/effects processor/vst. UW users have extra options in that regard.

Syntakt doesnt float my boat but wouldnt rule out owning it at some point as it does have some features other boxes don’t.


The RAM machines are overlooked. They’re so great though for experimentation.

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Syntakt can’t eat itself.


And vomit.


And then eat the vomit


BTW, I did a Miam/Blurp pair of devices in M4L, inspired by the MD RAM machines. CF Miam Blurp version 1.0 by chapelierfou on


I’ll have to add that to my Ableton. Haha. That’s a great device. You ever use M4L with your MD? I heard of people playing the cymbal chromatically, which I would have loved to. Especially with the new unofficial firmware.

I don’t use the MD much these days/years.
In fact I had several hardware problems in the past (my unit is now brand new) that make me anxious to get back working on it and see it die once again.