Does the compact flash slot problem persist on MkII?

thanks for your suggestion bwo.
I have already offered him a discount and he refused it.
It was damaged before sending and I had not listed it when advertising as I had honestly forgotten about it as it was never a problem for me.
As it would never be a problem for him. I believe he is taking advantage of a situation where he could return something he may regret buying. We’ve all been there.

Am I right in suggesting that the ejector pin being damaged is not really a bad thing and will not effect the use of the machine?

Yeah I mean I would probably be annoyed if I bought but be willing to work with the seller on getting things squared away. I think unfortunately he is within his rights to return it so if it is buyers remorse and you can’t convince him then you are more or less out of luck.

If it is under warranty still I would think it would be much easier to convince him perhaps? I would definitely check online to see.

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It does feel that way.

Other than raising a support ticket with Elektron (we all know what that means)
… how would one see if there OT is still covered under warranty?

I think you need to find you original purchase receipt and if it is within 3 years of purchase. Terms and Conditions | Elektron

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Yep, and if you can’t find the receipt, you can just look on the bottom of the unit. The manufacturing date is printed, and you get 3 years from that date (if you can’t find your original receipt).

I just sent my OT to the LA workshop for broken pins repair.

They call it ‘pinlist replacement’.

OT in transit now, I’ll let you know what the technician says once they receive it.


Cool - thank you.

how can you get the CF Card out if the ejector pin is damaged? is there a way to do it?


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I have no problem with the cf card slot on my black one.
But the card itself was lemon. At first I thought my unit is bonkers, but it was the card.

My ejection pin is gone and I can easily pull my cf card out as it has a lip in the bottom side of the card and can be grabbed with my fingernail. The card comes out easy enough, but I keep the OT connected to the Mac so I don’t have to mess with it.

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CF Cards. Gently. No Force. Pins Fragile.


Is this an actual issue, or is it something that happened to a few people, got posted about online, and then became “common knowledge” on the back of those posts? I haven’t seen anything that suggests the CF slot in the OT is any more or less fragile than any other CF slot.


It’s not, but people own synths/samplers longer than they owned your average CF device.

The Octatrack CF-Card insertion is even better than with most other devices, but still, being careful is just important because if going really rough, yeah, you could bend some pins. I had bent pins on other devices, not yet with the OT.


I got one of those cheap CF to IDE adapter boards a few years ago and the first time I put a card in it, when I took the card back out some of the pins came with it.

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This is an issue with all CF card slots, not only the OT. I’ve seen many an MPC 1000 with bent pins, and I’m sure the same goes for cameras. They’re super fragile.

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I bet it’s not a big problem with cameras because photographers are used to being gentle with their equipment.


Hi all! completely new user of an OT :upside_down_face: Had it for a couple of weeks now. My problem with the slot is, the button gets pushed very lightly even if you hold the OT in a manner, or cover it with a cloth against dust. Not remembering about the anatomy, the OT being covered, i grabbed it in a way which obviously pushed the button and was surprised when I uncovered the machine to work then next day. There’s no way to push the button back inside without ejecting the card once.
Anyways no big deal!
My question: “did anybody shorten the button, for example with a cut plier, so it doesn’t stick out?” Is it a good idea?

Did you try to push the button, then insert the card ?