Drum n' Bass Battle #2 (Arcade Edition) [Playlist is up! SUBMISSIONS CLOSED!]

How’s everyone doing with 48hrs til deadline, I’m excited for the playlist… :hourglass::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I have nothing :joy: but I look forward to hearing the entries.


That MM3/RM3 title music is ridiculous! It’s been one of my favorites since I first played the game.

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I’m gonna commit to submitting something. I’ve had a lot of fun with it for a while but it’s pissing me off now and highlighting my usual problems when it comes to trying to put a whole track together!


I feel the same way… its because we are close to the deadline so pressure is on, and probably the fact we have been listening to the same sample over and over and over and over…

critical decision fatigue.

But we got this! I know its way better than you think!

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I love how funky some of them get!

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less people jumped on this one for sure, but I call it a success even if only a couple people get inspired and submit something.

We got about 8 submissions so far!

These are all dope so far though…

Good enough that I had to redo my track because it wasn’t good enough.


That’s not far!

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Oh my god… what have I become?!?

I’m actually an impartial wildcard… my track can’t “win” my own battle…

And I would have redone it anyways… my first one was too sloppy.

Im pretty much done, will just do the finishing touches and send it thru and start something else.


Looking forward to it! thank you

I never focus on the winning aspect of battles myself, I’m just in it for the self improvement, if I get placed or not it’s doesn’t matter to me, 1 vote is a win in my book because at least one person nodded their head to my beat :pray:


This! Also music is so subjective, there’s no such thing as winning, or making the “best” track, and this forum will likely lean in a certain direction taste-wise compared to another forum, or a specific group of ravers, or your grandma. The cool thing about the last battle was seeing all the different styles.


+1 on this.
I’m going to confess I was super stoked to get any votes on the last one as I’d never completed a whole track before, didn’t know anything about sampling and had no idea what D’n’B was!
I learned lots, not least about driving the Polyend Tracker and the style of D’n’B even if it’s not my natural inclination.
Now all I need to do is establish what HipHop is so I can try that Battle too :grinning:
For me it’s all about the journey and the different modes of transport, not the destination.


The journey is the destination!


Well, I have to say your are doing an amazing job, on both fronts.

It should be the best track to the person submitting. My first track was made during a rough week, creatively… Its hard for someone in my position who listens to these tracks as they come in to not get inspired to do better.

But like I said, my submission is always a wild card, and can never be voted to “win”… or else I would have to blindly accept tracks to be fair, and I don’t want to do that… I love listening to them.


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In full transparency, I will also submit the first track that I worked on… it will be fun to reveal since there is this little narrative established now…

I love making these things fun!

I was just kidding!

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