Drum n' Bass Battle #2 (Arcade Edition) [Playlist is up! SUBMISSIONS CLOSED!]

I appreciate the suggestion, but I don’t think I’m clever enough to make sure the hints are equal. Might give someone an opportunity unfair advantage.

Plus, that’s half the fun, the moment of discovery!

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Oh man, you got me on YouTube and eBay now, I may be grabbing the Megaman or Street Fighter one even though I have an Analog Keys and don’t need it. (But I think we all know gear is always a need, not a want :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: !)

Looking forward to jumping into my first one of these! :pray:

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They are great… You won’t be disappointed…

Over Christmas i even got the “Sub”. It might be my favorite out of all of them, but i am an admitted BASShead.

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think im gonna try a few submissions here, havent made any full DnBish tracks before so im trying to learn with this battle. made this one on the M8, gonna be back home tomorrow so ill have to try expanding out with other gear on the other submissions


Oh, I’m so sorry. I should explain the submission process.

I’ll past this on the top post as well.

Just send me the track through a file sharing service. Like One Drive , Google Drive, Drop Box.

Private message me the link with access granted.

I’ll make a playlist on SoundCloud and it will be anonymously voted by everyone.

Once I have all the votes from those who submitted tracks, I reveal the winners, and then I go back over the playlist and reveal who’s who and track names.

I even swap out the thumbnail with a pic of what you sampled from.

You can submit as many tracks as you like. Even if you want to share the rough cuts.

I’ll post on Feb 5th, all the submissions I received.

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I’m so sorry I wasn’t clear about this for anyone who is new to these mission briefs.

I’m still new to running these battles.

Yo. That track is dope tho!

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i was kinda wondering if that was the dealio, no worries tho! happy to keep that one up as a warmup, ill get to work on some others for my official submissions

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Thanks for the understanding.

I made the top post more clear.

Let me know if you got any questions.

I’m happy to help.

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I have a feeling you’re gonna do great.

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I’ve started working on a track.

Will it be great, will it be terrible?

Who can tell…


I thought that was a genuine question there haha

An attempt is all that is required - you’ll learn from it and regardless of how much you like it, you’ll be a better producer afterwards. :slight_smile:


And not every beat has to be a banger, I think people are way to hard on themselves…


This totally… I say throw a couple tracks in, and see what feedback you get…

I would like more feedback from the voters, but I’m not gonna press anyone for it.

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My feedback is I always love a good monquixote track.

One of the nauts I get hyped on hearing because from past experience the style and sound rings true with what I’m into. Nails the kind of sound I really like and is a bit unique, please post up even if it’s terrible

@symian true, the selfs own worst critic
I am usually only hard on myself before I submit the track, not after. Not caring helps but that isn’t always easy


Thanks chap, appreciate that.

The standard is so high on here I sometimes feel a bit amateurish, but why should I try and be anything more than I am. I’ll put what I have up and feel happy about the process and what I made.


I don’t have experience making dnb and I’m still here

As for the standard - ‘If you’re the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room’

The experience and good company to be in will pay off.
Plus that’s a good place to be in a natural beginner mind. Fresh and open.
beginner’s mindset entails approaching a situation as though you are a beginner, regardless of your experience

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it’s open

So yes just keep being you. Nothing more is needed

Sorry to wax poetic/ philosophical here… video games are awesome!


So much this. I actually have a lot of experience making dnb, but I’m trying to have fun with these battles as much as possible. I’m not sitting here for hours on end sculpting transients and staring at spectograms - this is a good opportunity to put all the serious stuff aside and just experiment with silly ideas and play around.


Let’s have Fun ‘n’ Bass :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I love everyone’s take away from these battles.

It fits the vibe set by @natehorn, @aarb420, and @Yabba, who all help keep us active with such a varied mission briefs, yet so welcoming.

I just want them to know how much I appreciate what they do.

I’m just hoping to maintain the same by keeping everything none too serious, hardly any rules, and a broad topic to be interpreted as you see fit.


Well said! :beers: