Drum n' Bass Battle #2 (Arcade Edition) [Playlist is up! SUBMISSIONS CLOSED!]

I know it’s not drum and bass per se, but It’s one of my favorite songs. ITT definitely has breaks and n it.

Hope it makes you happy!

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I’m about ready to pull the trigger on my creation. Last time (for my first ever DNB) I used the PT but, as I’ve started to learn Logic Pro, I thought I’d do this one in Logic.
I think it’s ended up not so much of a banging tune based on a game as a DNB re-imaging of a game tune.
Learnt a tonne and even now I’m just tweaking samples in different ways to achieve the same outcome so I can learn more about Logic.
I’ll send it over the weekend.

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I really look forward to it! I’m a Logic user myself, so after the voting, I’d love to hear how you made your track!

Plus it could help others to by sharing your workflow!

Loving the melody and 8bit aesthetics on this one, hope to get a quick jam together by the deadline.

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Please do!

Done, dusted and submitted, and stoked :fire:


I’ll check as soon as I get to my laptop. I got the table occupied right now.


Clean… I like it👍

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Heyzoos. Jamuary got me burnt out.

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omg my childhood…12 year old in 96 listening to this stuff hahah

Still working on my track, happy so far but I will be a bit busy for work this week.

What timezone are you based in? I’m in Australia so just need to make sure I send it to you on 5th feb in your time hahah

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My entry is in! Ended up spending way longer on it than I planned to. Had loads of fun with this one! Can’t wait to hear what everyone else has come up with.


I’m in Chicago, which is currently GMT minus 6.

Can’t wait to see your take on the challenge!

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Just tip for you all, never make critical arrangement or mixing decisions with a head full of greenery and or booze, let’s just say my first couple of submissions didn’t quite sound the way I thought they did :sweat_smile: just spent the evening putting it all right :man_facepalming: nm though it’s good to have a night off now and then…


I know how that goes all too well! I allow myself a drink or a smoke while I’m writing, but mixing always has to be done sober!


This is the way… :relaxed:

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:rofl: that list of file names is painfully spot on.


You knows it mate… I was just glad to get it rectified, haven’t been this invested in a beat for ages, I was sweating bullets…


“The Backlash “ is so good. #4

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