Drum n' Bass Battle #2 (Arcade Edition) [WINNERS ANNOUNCED!]

  1. #3, as i really enjoyed listening to this one in the car.
  2. #13, nice track.
  3. #14, enjoyed the vibe

great listening to these out walking the dog and then in the car, ice and fog adding the enjoyment.


This was great fun! Thanks @BLKrbbt and everyone for joining,
I specially enjoyed the tracks that felt more in theme, there’s different ways to appeal to this aesthetic and how that came about was very interesting to observe.

#18 really felt great at the end of the playlist, great ending credits vibe.
#13 love the first part, the second part seems like a different track. Or maybe another level?
#10 fits really well the theme too, I’m super curious about the samples.

I also really enjoyed #1 for the choice of samples. I was expecting more of this! If i knew people weren’t using that many game samples I would have used them more myself ^^


Enjoying something in every single one of these. Currently whittling down 8 of my favourites to 3 but everyone should be proud of themselves with what they turned in.

Thanks again @BLKrbbt for doing these. I’ve been going through a tough time for a while and this is bringing back a little bit of fun and creativity into my life again :+1::+1:


Keep on doing what your doing fella, sometimes the beats will carry you through… :muscle::pray:


That’s a hell of a compliment, and the whole point of doing this.

Keep your head up!


Had absolutely 0 time to manage to be part of it, very sad :frowning:
But currently listening to submissions and I have to say there’s so much great stuff here! Big up all of you


Shout out to the track that used Monkey Island samples :smile: . One of the best point and click series ever


Check for the next one. I should have you saved for n a list so you should get a mention when I drop it.

It’s going to be a week after the NEXT hip hop battle is bounced, so probably this time next month.

Hope to see you there!


Right, really hard to choose as there’s a lot I like but I’ll be indecisive and procrastinate on it if I don’t do it now so here we go!

1st place - Track 2: Dirty-ty-ty. Screw face music. Dope synth lines. The arp melodies are crazy.
2nd place - Track 6: Hypnotising. Intricate. Really liked the slightly menacing vibe of this one.
3rd place - Track 11: Digging the pads A LOT. Reminds me a little of Mark Pritchard. Great work.


Track two was so close to making my top three, definitely shades of DJ krust with those off kilter arps… defo one of my favourite beats so far in this series


Ok I also need to grab some before I get too confused by awesomeness.

1st: 9. Really like the cavedwelling pre-boss vibe.
2nd: 11. Just makes me feel nice.

3rd: 14. Deeeeeeep

Love this forum and very happy I switched from my prior place that made me a bit sad and irritated.


D.o.a by any chance?

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I still love DOA. Its beautifully dysfunctional. I come here for the wholesome stuff.


You are nice!

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Haha no Im still on doa but Im just reading very specific stuff there. Why is it toxic? I meant a local forum. Im paranoid and dont wanna say which. They are everywhere :smiley:

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I think toxic is probably a bit harsh, just seemed like it all took itself too seriously for my tastes…

I much prefer the supportive friendly attitude here… :pray:


Well, it’s getting to the point to start tabulating votes.

It’s looking like some standouts already.

I’m looking to get this one put in the annuals at great producing.

The next one will be around this time next month.

I need a little time because my dumbass bought another fucking synth, WHICH I DONT NEED.

I need a break from loops and samples so I can make tracks from scratch.

But be ready. Because the next battle is gonna be thrilling! With some action and excitement!

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Yes I think I know what you mean. Sometimes almost posted wip tracks there for constructive criticism but felt too afraid of what the elite would think. Im just a tourist still.

Yo. Fuck all that.


It’s a terrible place to get constructive feedback lol. It’s more just dnb-themed shitposting.