DSI Pro 2

Oh wow that does sound annoying.
Fortunately, I have no plans to sequence other things over CV. Between the depth of the 4 internal oscillators, my Typhon, and software instruments, I see no need to bring other things into the fold.

I may bring some wonky eurorack sequencing into the Pro 2 over CV, some day. But for now, the Pro 2 sequencer is interesting enough. Using ping pong and random mode much more than I thought I would. Plus, the 8 track limitation on the 32 step sequence isn’t as much of a hindrance as I anticipated. Rarely do I use more than 5 tracks of the sequencer, thanks to all the other non-sequencer based modulation available on the instrument. I only use more than 5 when sequencing Repro-5 or Synthi V.

Scraping the bottom of the depths is not something I ever anticipate doing with the Pro 2, and definitely not with 5 parameters on 3 fingers of my left hand for live playback (strip position x2, strip pressure x2, mod wheel).

When using the sequencer and adjusting the slew rate, when I go above 126 it reads “PtP”

I’ve checked the manual and the Sequential forum, can’t find out what “PtP” stands for, or indicates.

Does anyone know?

wild guess: past the precision?

meaning past the precision of their timing/step calculation algorithm.

again, just a guess.

moved over from another thread:

No, it’s different in many ways. Different filter(s), different oscillators, more complex sequencer that can run on its own (instead of gated by a key, or “push it” button).

Basically 4 digital OSCs, plus a sub OSC.
Standard saw/pulse/sin/tri stuff, but also some wavetables and “SuperWaves” (detunable unison waves). “Slop” for more VCO-style irregularities.

2 filters, One is Prophet 5 LPF style, the other Oberheim SEM multimode style. Each with dedicated envelopes.
Routing can be serial, parallel, or a variable mix between.
You can also route 2 OSCs to one filter and the other 2 OSC to the other filter.

Paraphonic, with individually gated envelopes.
I quite like running the sequencer monophonic while the synth is in paraphonic mode. When tuning OSCs differently, you can get some wild melodies out of it:

Example: this is just two OSCs and the sub OSC, single monophonic sequence, parallel filter routing LPF w/ HPF

Sequencer can run forward, backward, ping pong, random.
16 steps by 16 lanes (1 note lane + 15 parameters),
or 32 by 8.
Rest, ties, slew, velocity.

CV ins and outs.
Tuned feedback.
4 independent delays (one is bucket-brigade style)
Big mod matrix, loads of sources.
Exponential or Linear FM

the list goes on and on


I know it’s not the best comparison, but I’ve always thought of the Pro 2 as the modern day Oxford OSCar. it doesn’t have the harmonics option, or the filter separation. but otherwise, the heart of the two are in the same place: digital oscillators through variable/flexible analog filters. it’s paraphonic ability steps up from the OSCar’s duophonic ability. and obviously the sequencer is much more advanced.

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Wow, that is a REALLY nice piece of work… Are you modding the tuning of the different OSCs here as well?

Great job!

I like that comparison.

For me, the sum of the parts definitely make it its own thing within the Sequential/DSI line.

There are sounds and melodies with counter melodies that I get out of it, thanks to the split routing, and the paraphonic cycling of OSCs with monophonic sequences, that I could only do in Reaktor before.

I really have to sit down and focus when I want to make techno with it. Because if I am just exploring it, it goes in another direction.

No, there is mod on OSC level, but not tune. All the tunings are in the sequencer. It’s amazing how many distinct voices you can get out of this mono synth at one time.
I only used 3 tracks in the sequencer, and 2 of the 16 open mod slots.

This Pro 2 just keeps on giving.
Pro 2 main hook/lead/bass whatever , sequenced internally, lots of live mod wheel and slider tweaks (OSC 3 level, other modulation). All 4 LFOs employed here, mostly to the filters various parameters.

OBXA V (pads) sequenced by Pro 2 some, and also played live.
Drums from Octatrack, loads of LFO designer.

When I recorded it, felt like half the amount of time went by.
Found a wormhole and got lost in the best way possible.


How good is the pro 2 for making good deep bass? Is the vca also clicking with fast attacks and low cut off?

I recently managed to get some sweet deep bass out of my prophet 6. but you have to soften the attack to avoid clicking from the vca. Same on the pro2?

The only way I can get any kind of unwanted clicking is by playing fast legato low notes with the filters wide open. It’s the previous note being cut mid waveform that is causing any click rather than the new note starting.
As soon as you drop the LPF down a bit it goes completely.

Great for low bass though - the girth and character controls can add even more if you can’t get there with base waveforms. :wink:

I almost never use mine for bass, except for a kind of muted sub-bass from time to time. The reason? It takes me too long to get the envelope shape I like - the zappy decay my old analogues deliver without any need to faff about.

Yea, I’d say behavior on the Pro 2 is similar.
I think it also depends on which waveforms you use and how you use them to help avoid clicks. The Air parameter can also accentuate it.
Not as clicky as Mopho and Mopho Se, though.
You also have two aux envelopes to kind of “stack” in order to get greater control and resolution.

But there are plenty places to “get deep bass” out of it between all the oscillator options and modulations, girth character parameter, sub osc, feedback, dual filters with resonance used for emphasis.
It’s great for sculpting when you have something particular in mind.

This rules!

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and here’s a good example of some deep sub bass I’ve gotten out of it.

The deep bass comes in around half way through that first clip and is heard throughout the rest of the other clips.
Subs or headphones and some :arrow_backward: :arrow_forward: scrolling between the 1 minute videos are required. (sorry)

What I like about the Pro 2 is how you can kind of stumble upon things.
I sit down with a lot of intentions and I almost always achieve what I set out to do, but always with a little extra on top.

This is actually a monophonic sequence using the internal sequence with Pro 2 set up in paraphonic mode, with 3 OSCs pitched differently with different waveforms. So the single sequence sounds like it is playing three different parts:
A glidey lead, a deep sub OSC bass, and (later in the 2nd clip) a rough bass lead that comes in later in OSC 1, so it sits atop the deep sub OSC.
The notes are on a single sequence, but other tracks in the sequencer are used to sequence the different OSC parameters (level, slop, shape mod) separately and assigning them to the touch slider positions to bring in and out, and touch slider pressure to add audio rate modulation of the FX.


hi pro-2 users, anyone having this issue with the sliders? mine can be glitchy when i tap them at the bottom. (1 glitch every 10 to 15 taps)

also having trouble with slider calibration : extreme bottom lower side of the slider can lead to weird values and probably a faulty calibration

my filter 2 also goes completely crazy sometimes, and calibration hardly improve things :frowning:
i think these problems are oddly related…

i’ve been in touch with the support, haven’t found a solution yet…

any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I get very similar behavior on slider 2, but slider 1 is fine. Just been learning to deal with it currently but I assume there’s some kind of calibration routine? Not looked into it though.

How does it behave in other sections of the Slider?
Can’t say I’ve ever needed to just tap the bottom while performing a patch.

Does it do the same when you’re tapping around 20%? 40%? 80%?

it glitches like in my first vid only on the lower side.
BUT if i reduce the track by half with a specific calibration going from the middle to the upper side of the slider, lights then glitches when i hit in the middle area!
this happens in the bottom of the mapping, not in the bottom of the physical slider apparently…

some users reported issues with the filter 2 calibrations like me.


it happens i discovered that issue after having recalibrated my sliders…
this is how i started to experiment with this little slider problems.
bad slider calibration can happen due to this weird behavior.
it seems to mess with the filter autotune process somehow and lead to the filter 2 issue being a complete mess.

the only way i ve found to get my filter 2 working as expected is to experiment with different slider calibrations BEFORE tuning the filter

yep, there is a calibration routine under global menu. be warn, i am not sure but i think it somehow messed up my filter calibration when i did it :thinking: