DSI Pro 2

Linear frequency modulation for classic DX-style FM.
Arpeggiator Beat Sync. This Global parameter quantizes keyboard performance of the arpeggiator so that notes are triggered precisely on the beat.
Sequencer Direction parameter, which provides new options for sequencer
playback direction: forward, reverse, ping-pong, and random.
Rest/tie note input during step recording on track 1 of the Sequencer.
Lock sequence, which allows you to continuously run the same sequence
while changing presets/programs.
MIDI CC output from the Pro 2 sequencer.
Trigger/Gate CV output, which gives you the ability to send a per-step gate
signal from the CV output of the Pro 2 Sequencer.
Alternate Tunings. The Pro 2 now ships with 16 preset alternative tunings
ranging from Equal temperament to Indonesian Gamelan tunings. Other
tuning sets can be downloaded if desired


So what do you think, is it worth to buy the Pro2 for 1.600 EUR new in 2018? or save some more money for a Prophet 6 desktop?

They really don’t have much in common neither in terms of functionnality nor for sound.

The pro2 is muuuuuuch more deep in terms of capabilities. It might be the only mono synth you’ll ever need, but it comes with a little complexity.

The prophet-6 is instant on the over side, with a large sweet spot :slight_smile: and hands on control over every parameter but it is not as versatile.

I have both and they don’t overlap.
it sounds like the ultimate combo to me!
buy both! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



the Pro-2 feels more like a self contained performance instrument. the control surface is awesome and invites you to perform live!
what you can do live with pitch / mod Wheel, touch sliders, aftertouch, distorsion, sequencer and keyboard interaction … :partying_face: :partying_face:

The prophet-6 is more “standard” in that perspective. I find myself sending an external midi sequences and tweak the knobs of the prophet to animate, which is a joy because one knob per function, and the beautifull sound with a large sweet spot.


Go with the Prohphet 6. Its a marvel. I had Pro2 but did not find it that appealing. Effects on the Prophet are amazing and it can go from mellow and warm to harsh and raw very easily. Check Parastic video on filters. This video sold me on Prophet 6 immediately. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY2ITXeqbXo This is a jewel gear in my gear collection.


okay, thank you for your insights!
basicly this video let me start thinking about the Prophet 6

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I’d go with a Pro2 and a Pioneer As-1 for the prophet6 voice



Pro 2 vs dom 1 vs subseq 37 are more likely in the same planet or monosynth comparisons.

yeah I know, I will do!

after endless hours of watching youtube videos, jaming at the guitar center with both synths and a sleepless night … I went with the Prophet 6 because of the polyphonie and the 2 osc per voice and the additional fx. I mean the polymod from osc2 to filters is heaven for dub techno chords :slight_smile:

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I’ve had both. I still have the P6. It’s easily one of the best polys I’ve had. Pro 2 is really flexible but takes some time to hit those sweet spots. It’s great for rhythmic sequenced based percussive and just out there shit with all those lfos and the tunable delay lines. I will say this though, the P6 is like one big sweet spot all day. I can just sit and play it for hours. Enjoy!

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One of the (few) annoyances with the Pro2 is that its envelopes have linear decays. This is one reason I used to be forever tweaking it, trying to achieve a similar zappy feel to my fave classic synths. Otherwise, it’s a truly wonderful instrument, especially for solo patches, paraphonic stuff and general weirdness.


I personally don’t own a Pro2, and admittedly I’ve never used one; but if its mod matrix is anything like every other DSI synth, you can easily change the shape of the envelope decay by modulating it with itself:

i.e. simply assign Amp Env --> Amp Env Decay in the mod matrix.

A positive amount will give you a concave curve, whereas a negative amount will give you a convex curve. You can do this with other stages of the envelope as well, and any envelope can be used to modulate the various stages of any other envelope. You can also map this effect to velocity, such that a sound gets sharper or rounder the harder you hit the keys, etc.


*Edit: Just correcting a typo, because I couldn’t let it go. Yes, I have a problem (grin).


I wondered if anyone would chip in with this :wink:
You’re right of course. However, the Pro2 has 5 envelopes and I already use my mod matrix slots quite heavily. Doing as you describe means you now have to keep going in and out of the mod matrix, adjusting the mod amount as well as the decays of each envelope. It’s less fun than a nice shape to start with.
Actually, the solution I mostly prefer is roping in the 2 aux envelopes to modulate the same source as each main filter envelope, using two different/overlaid curves.
Another good alternative is to use external envelopes and the CV inputs, but again this takes up mod matrix slots and wastes time.
Given the choice when designing these software envelopes, I’d personally have preferred DSI to have copied the shape of their classic hardware but hey, I have lots of other gear if I want my snappiness delivered without fuss.

Been thinking more and more about getting a pro 2 as an awesome synth and controller… so I did a little doodle of it :slight_smile:


Little 1 minute pro2 and digitakt jam… for all the people thinking about the new hybrids synths, used prices on the pro2 has gotten pretty reasonable and really the 4 voice paraphonic and dual filters offers some unique possibilities not found in other synths. Seems to be the ultimate hybrid for me for now with in my price range. I wouldn’t sleep on it when looking at the Minilogue XD and the Mircofreak, especially if you are into modulation, although there is still a price jump to be had.


I’m interested in getting the Pro 2… any issues I should know about beforehand from Pro 2 owners?

I love mine - just a lovely thing for solos and pads. The only issue is the linear decays on the envelopes but I don’t think (m)any others would rate that as significant.

Buying a new discontinued Pro2?
Maybe wait and see if they have a successor at NAMM


:+1: no doubt my man