DSI Rev2

Any thoughts from Rev2 users after getting comfortable with one? Seriously looking at the desktop as my first proper poly analog - how are people finding the vibe/sound?

DM12 sounds better.

I liked someof what i heard from the DM12 but a lot of patches esp bass were noisy, the Rev2 sounded crisper? Subjective of course

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Itā€™s an impressive piece of kit for the money. Quite complex and deep to program but will reward patience I think. Nicely built too, the fit and finish is excellent. Overall Iā€™m happy with it but getting the best out of it will take some time I think. Anyway, thatā€™s my thoughts after 2 days :slight_smile:


Have it for a couple of weeks now and itā€™s amazing. You can make some really big sounds with it. Without menu diving. I traded in my Analog Keys and Analog Rytm just before the new drops. Never really liked the sound of the AK.


Whatā€™s the sequencer like for writing something more comprehensive?

Iā€™ve owned many synths, and most DSI synths at some point. Iā€™ve always been a huge fan of the P '08 and jumped at the chance to have twice the voices, a sub oscillator and waveform modulation. Itā€™s a great synth and I could see it being a studio work horse. Iā€™m lucky enough to have P12, and Prophet 6 as well. But if I just had to choose one, it would probably be the Rev 2. It has the flexibility in its programming and analog thickness/warmth. Mod options are insane. I personally never use the poly sequencer, but I do like the 4 gated sequencers. I also find the FX are ok, but I prefer using my outboard gear. Sure there are more options Iā€™d like to see, but itā€™s pretty darn good as is. I just watched the Sonic State video and Nick did a very good job highlighting the upgrades and describing/demonstrating the synth. He makes me want to buy everything he demos honestly.

Oh, one thing to be aware of. Some of us have had issues with some of the waveforms. My triangle is not even across all voices. Iā€™ve replaced my voice board with no improvement. So I guess there some issues still being ironed out. Ha, just have to put that out there to paint a more accurate picture. In all honest, I donā€™t notice it when playing it. But knowing itā€™s there can be a little frustrating.


i just impulsively jumped on one of these, used. this will be my first dsi synth. i got the 8 voice version to start. canā€™t see myself using 16 voices, especially since this will be a studio piece of gear not a gigging one. i donā€™t mind the curtis filters, but maybe thatā€™s because iā€™m not a fan of hi Q sounds anyway. anyhow, thursday is the day according to tracking info. anyone have any more insights since itā€™s been in the wild for a little bit now?

You donā€™t have idea such a wonderful piece of equipment youā€™ve just bought <3
Wipe all the synth pop '80 crap factory presets and start tweaking your sounds

P.S. bet youā€™ll expand voices to 16 soon :wink:

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thatā€™s def reassuring to hear. you may be right about expanding voices haha! time will tell

Nice! I just got the 16 voice versionā€¦ have been creating sounds all day!

Iā€™m still trying to get smooth pad type tones that I can then resonate and distort etc. Still struggling but am in the ballpark occasionally. Triangle seems mellowest???

@alex3368 what sorts of sounds are you making? Any suggestions to get softer sounds out of it?


got the rev2 today. i have to say i love itā€™s sound, tho sweet spots are definitely not all
over the place. the keybed is lively and responsive and itā€™s all laid out very intuitively. one thing iā€™m not thrilled about tho is the pots. most of them feel tight to turn but a few have that strange ā€œsandyā€ feel to them. and they donā€™t feel exceptionally well anchored to the synth. iā€™m worried itā€™ll be in need of repairs sooner or later. how are the higher end dsi synths in this regard? anyway, those are my initial thoughts.

Way cool! I donā€™t notice any of that with the potsā€¦

After posting here I went back through presets and realized there was a ton of good smooth stuff:)ā€¦ especially if I tone down any arp and/or delay/modulation to more subtle levels.

Fun stuff!

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Hi guys! How do you deal with filter bleeding on the Rev2? :frowning:

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Anyone of the owners?

Not noticeable during normal use.

See this thread for info-


yeah. I didnā€™t notice it before, but now that I checked I find it annoying. Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

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So I really like aspects of the rev2, making some really thick huge sounds, 16 voices, the mod matrix, the gated sequencer, Iā€™m beginning to not hate the note sequencer. I like the splitting and stacking, all amazingly deep features.

But I havenā€™t loved the filter (I love Moog filters and the rytm and heat filters) and I donā€™t love how difficult it is (for me) to dial in less BRASS. I think most who love sequential /dsi love that aspect.

But long story short:

Wow does anybody own the patches by audiocookbook.com John Keston? Heā€™s made some truly distinct-from-normal-rev2 patches. I just purchased and will be experimenting tonight. I assume this will go unanswered as this is NOT a rev2 forum:) but I needed to share haha. Cool. Sam


Just wanted to say that these patches are INCREDIBLE, for me anyways. Hereā€™s why:

I think the maker must be a skilled pianist (he states he is an avant- garde musician so Iā€™d say this is a good hypothesis) because the expressiveness of keys on every patch is really Really fantastic and piano esque in terms of response. Makes me want to play them. As far as I have experienced, way better than any preset. Not kidding.

The more tonal patches are just super nice sounding. Nothing is overdone. Many of the rev2 presets seem to be intended to show how insane the rev2 can be, especially in modulation, aftertouch etc. These patches are straightforward in their modulation approach.

Anyhoo, Iā€™m a big fan and Iā€™m wishing someone would back me on this, not cuz I need it to believe it but just to share the passion for something amazing haha.



Wow, some great stuff. Especially the drone/noise/atonal patches. I wish this bank worked in the 08, would buy it in a heartbeat.

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