DSI Rev2

Thank you all!

In my opinion good patch should simply inspire you. It can be basic but has to be interesting in any way…

GirTheRobot: It’s quite easy to import patches into your Prophet REV2. Just read the manual (page 65) or special instruction txt file in the downloaded patch folder. You can import patches in the 8-voice version as well :slight_smile: Cheers!


Your comment has already been used on the site, praise indeed.
I’m not sure what there wasn’t to like on the Rev 2, in fact it’s such a bread and butter style synth, and workhorse, that it could be mistaken for being wholly unremarkable. It takes time to understand the complexity of the routing and modulation options and their relationships (which I’m along way from getting after listening to these patches). Everyone complains about the filter, but it can sound lovely… fantastic presets, will buy, currently just listening to the video while ‘working’ :slight_smile:


I had listened a lot of sounds that were way too “brassy”… I was convinced that the Curtis filter would color any sounds with a characteristic I wasn’t found of.
You made me revise my judgement.


I have the 8-voice Rev2 and these patches work perfectly with it. :slight_smile:

Far and away the best patches I’ve heard for the Rev2. Exactly the kind of sounds I like and why I use the Rev2 (and the P’08 before it) in almost everything I make. All the more impressive that every patch is a single layer. Just shows what can be done with that.

Extra kudos for including sysex files for each of the 4 user banks. So many third party patch banks don’t do that and force you to transfer them to a fixed bank.


I’ve got the 8 voice as well. I chose this over modular as I needed to do a lot with it, there was no way I could get what I needed (in modular) for the same money. Next purchase will be the voice card to expand the voice count to 16


bought the patches ready to load (once i figure out how to do that haha)… but decided to tear apart my home studio and re-rig it instead. oops.

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yeah it’s making me reconsider this synth. I’d written it off the moment I read that it’s literally revision two of the '08. I had that synth back in 2009 and I can remember being so excited for it, and then so completely let down when I got it. it just sounded so “modern” within the context of a studio that was almost 100% vintage synths. likely it was just that I didn’t explore it enough to find the sweet spot where it sits within my sound correctly. anyway, these patches are telling me it’s possibly worth a second look. it may not be Juno 106 or Polysix level “100% sweet spot” but there’s clearly something there.

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That was my first impression of the Rev2. Then the Rev2 failed and I spent time with the Nord L4 and A1. Then I got the Rev2 again and it made the Nords sound more “virtual” than the Rev2 did the first time round!
It’s all context.

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This video/patch set has me looking for space in my studio for a synth I have never given a second thought to. Excellent work!


Wow these patches sound great to me. Definitely buying them after work. Thanks!

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While we’re talking patches, I should also mention that some dude on the Sequential forum (no affiliation) made another set of patches that I’ve found really useful. He used the gated sequencer to slightly detune each note in a repeating pattern. That technique plus panning each layer hard L/R and making the detuning very slightly different for each layer has been my init patch for a while now. Oh and alternate tunings are cool too.



I am actually relistening/watching video simply because i love the mood it creates. Love the effort you put into this.

And being a rev2 owner but sort of learning synthesis from it, I appreciate the strong positive reaction of people on the forum! I often gravitate towards distorted mangled sounds (which the rev2 does well, i think) and so the more subtle tones of this might have passed me by because i dont have a refined synth ear yet:). Good stuff elektronauts…


Can somebody help me understand a couple things about my Rev2?

  1. I want the filter envelope to retrigger even when I have a key held down. I can’t find a setting for this in the global settings? Is this legato or something? I don’t want to have to take my finger off a key and play another key to retrigger.

  2. Similarly, I noticed an interesting behavior yesterday. Let’s say I’m playing a pad and I want the amp envelope to behave similar to a piano…So no attack, long decay, no sustain, no release. If I keep the sustain pedal held down, it doesn’t cycle through the voices. So once I play all 8 voices, it won’t start retriggering them and I’m left with no sound after my decay reaches it’s sustain point…Is this some sort of setting I can change? I hope this makes sense.

disclaimer: I don’t have one. but typically this is done with an LFO. have it re-trigger the ENV. it looks like that’s not one of the modulation destinations though, going by the manual. kind of strange because it has every stage of all three ENV’s as a modulation destination, which is relatively rare.

From what I’ve seen a lot of synths just have a legato on/off button. But the Prophet has no such thing and I don’t see it in the settings anywhere?

Been in a love/hate relationship with the filter on my rev2 ever since I got it about a year ago.
I would have never thought I’d be buying patches but I’m definitely getting these. Good job mate, instant BOC vibes, thank you.

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I found my answer to my legato question on page 66 of the manual, but still these settings don’t fix my problem. I can change it to low retrigger or high retrigger but if I’m playing a lead or bass part that goes high and low (as melodies tend to do…) then…:man_shrugging:

EDIT: Nvm, last retrigger seems to do what I want. So that’s cool

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Just bought it. Figured hey I can buy a lunch or I can buy 100+ awesome patches for an awesome synth. No-brainer. Sounding wonderful.

I think misunderstood your request. I was thinking of just holding a single note down while the envelope re-triggers. not re-triggering as you play legato (i.e. not releasing one key when you press the next).

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I bought the rev2 and some months later the Moog One. Of course the moog is outstanding but I have to say the Rev2 is better when creating sounds with more cold in it… It´s somewhat darker and for this reason still with me despite the One (and not the only)