I hope some experieced user can help me with an issue i cannot overcome.
actually i use my digi as a controller to send midi CC to a sequencer from its 8 midi track (mapped on ch9-…-ch15), and it is indispensable on this task.
i wish i could also use it as sound module shunted to other midi expanders driven by the sequencer (lets say to use ch16 as autochannel on theDT and use -2 octave to trigger audio tracks)
however since DT is shunted to other expanders it receives messages on ch9-…-ch15 and that lead to midi loops; unless i filter note input on it but by doing so i cannot trigger audio track from external sequencer.
For me it is mandatory to sequence all data outside DT, also I have no chance to setup a dedicated midi chain for the DT, and i would avoid to employ an external midi filter
hope thats clear enough, thank you in advance to everyone
You can just turn off midi channels for the inputs of midi tracks so there is no loop anymore…
thank you for the info, but this is not enough to avoid loop since autotrack is activated the moment I push a midi track to send a CC from DT loop happens
There are two places to set midi channels the channel settings in the midi system menu and on the midi track source page. The midi channel setting in the system menu are for channels the digitakt receives on, the track source page is for what channel the midi track send on.
If you turn off all the channels in the midi system menu that should cancel any midi loop problems even with auto channel being used.
ok i see, once again, the only chance to integrate a DT in a rig is to rely on a midi processor.
Explain your setup in more detail. I’m sure someone can get you sorted with detail.
what to you mean “shunted” to other midi expanders?
What expander?
What sequencer are you using in tandem with the dt?
How is everything routed?
What midi channels is each device using?
thank you for your assistance jejones,
my input setup is DT-keystep-MPC input (setted with OMNI means it let inputs go live through outs )
output setup is portA -asrx (ch9-…-ch12); portB p2k (ch13-…-ch15) and DT (sync provided)
DT is setted with note receive on, autochannel on ch16, midi channel setting all off.
midi loop happens when i select any midi track
anyone ?
It seems like you just need to be more selective about what midi channels you are using for what.
You won’t be able to use OMNI with the current setup you have without some sort of external filter.
can you please sketch me a more selective design regarding my setup ?
I’m not you and don’t know your intentions. This is something you have to decide for yourself.
Use a single channel for one thing and place limitations on how many tracks and sounds you can use.
This will make you use less sounds, which is a good thing for an easier mix and better sounding music in the end anyway.
i guess this is not my therapy, we should talk about DT settings.
is it possibile to achieve it or not without an external midi filter ?
I use mpc1000 and a digitakt. On the digitakt I have auto channel turned off. Then when sequencing, each digitakt channel gets its own track in the mpc.
ok. It seems also all audio track are able to respond to -2 oct if just one of them is assigned to a midi channel even with autochannel off.
that way it is possible to sequence them inside a single track (or midi ch)by keyboard or step edit