I’m probably missing something obvious but my DT Seems to be missing CC Options #31-84. The option go from modwheel to CC#119 but misses out a bunch of numbers. It’s stopping me from modulating my Volca FM with its controllable parameters being on CCs 30-40.
I don’t have a Digitakt, but this seems surprising because it contradicts what is stated in the manual.
When you select the output CC message number on the DT’s AMP (CC Select) page, do the numbers actually skip from 31 to 84 when you turn the knobs?
Thanks for your responding. CC select seems to be jumbled. It starts with Mod Wheel, breath Control, then jumps to CC#3. CC select 20 - 31 make sense as they correspond to CC# 20-31 but CC select 32 controls BSEL LSB, 33 controls MDWH LSB (mod wheel again?) and this continues through until the CCs start again at CC select 89 which corresponds to CC#89. I’m thinking this is has to be a firmware issue unless I’ve inadvertently changed the sequence of CC select?
It seems like Elektron has just given labels to the CC message numbers that are pre-defined in the MIDI standard. You can find a list here:
If you try the 30th position in the list, does it send out MIDI CC 30?
Thanks for your responses. I had a feeling I was being a simpleton
I think the problem here is less simpleton, and more that the rich history of MIDI starts about 800 years ago, in the days when computers thought that 127 sounded like a large number
Can someone tell me why I can’t go beyond 119 on the CC select ?
Because 120 and up are channel mode messages. See https://www.midi.org/specifications/item/table-3-control-change-messages-data-bytes-2
Wow that was a quick answer ! Sorry I’m kind of a noob with this wonderful machine…Thanks for the quick answer !