Yes, absolutely.
Unfortunately I don’t. You might be able to find something equally raw and juicy sounding in the modular world, I guess (?)
I kinda wish Elektron would just take the DVCO circuits and put them it into an A4 successor. Although they’d probaply have to change it here and there as the tracking is not 100% accurate, which isn’t s big deal for a drum machine, but would pose a problem for a mono/poly synthesizer.
The config parameter basically changes waveforms and also changes how the two oscs interact.
Osc 1 offers sine and sinesaw, osc 2 offers sine, skewed sine, triangle, sinesaw and saw.
When you start at 0 changing the config, the two oscs are mixed, indicated by the little “+” symbol and as you turn the knob, you cycle through all available osc waveforms and their combinations.
After osc mix ("+") you get to ring modulation, indicated by the little “R” and again the cfg parameter cycles through all the different possible waveforms for both oscs.
Next is FM (indicated by an “F”), osc 1 is the carrier, modulated by osc 2.
Last configuration is FM with ringmod (“FR”).
The different comfigurationd are also available with osc reset, the “_” that appears under config indicates oscillator reset, so with each trig, the osc phases on this cfgs are reset.
If you check the DVCO waveforms on an oscilloscope, you’ll notice that they are pretty unsusual looking. Also the filter and filter drive are just lovely, so it all adds up to this very special, raw sound.
A4 and AR offer only very basic midi sequencing, it’s basically just notes (note on/off and velocity).
I like to sequence my AR and also my AK from my OT. OT can do retrig over midi, p-locking midi cc and of course has three lfos per track. So lots of possibilities there. You can even control and sequence AR scenes and performance macros as well as A4/AK macros.