You don’t need to confirm anything by assumption, I’m telling you the facts here…
Digital control doesn’t equate to DCO, as I wrote above you can send CV from a digital source - that’s a form of digital control. You have digital control of the VCF (Four/Rytm), VCAs… Etc… They aren’t DCF or DCAs because of that fact. The point being the system in its entirety - digitally controlled, analog sound generation.
The source of my understandable confusion is quite clear, I’m not sure many folk were aware that the AR was different to its sister product in that regard, it makes sense now
thanks for clearing up this matter following my guess, we’ve all learned something I think, we’ll I have anyway
WIthout wishing to get further off topic I think the Filter (see here) has some bearing in the resulting often unpopular timbres of the A4, but i wonder if the oscillators in the AR are more pleasing due to their being simpler in some regards - either way the AR sounds lovely as a mono synth despite the voice/osc simplicity, the DVCO will surely be fun when it drops
I’m also not so sure that the charm/drift we appreciate from a traditional VCO is the reason why the AR sounds in some ways more meaty/satisfying given that its VCOs are somewhat on a digital leash for stability/control etc
I wasn’t aware the P’08 was a DCO which it seems to be - that’s certainly not remotely flat
The Rytm has tons of low end and tons of distortion. I’m guessing this has much more effect on the sound than any difference between VCO and DCO.
Rytm also has sampling and while that is pretty much full-on digital, it also sounds ‘meaty’. So the sound of the Rytm seems to mostly come from the signal path after the oscillators/sampler.
I found the P08 flat compared to the p6, or my old Polysix. That said I found the a4 mki flat and the mkii amazing. Well I shouldn’t say totally flat, it was still a gorgeous sounding synth, it just lacked weight and the overdrive was paltry but that’s all been fixed.
I agree - there’s a life and presence to samples that seem to come alive … this means that the A4 should sound pretty impressive if we fire it through the inputs then surely
It’s clear that the analog designs have evolved AR>AK>A4 - I don’t know where the A4mk2 sits, but it seems to be ticking the boxes so that too suggests the ‘flat’ issue is not down to DCOs alone but to the other aspects of the signal path and in all likelihood the specs of the old/new LPF which is not present in the AR
Fingers crossed the DVCO comes before OB as per the DT compressor, that’d be a welcome gesture, especially as the DVCO was shown
Dual VCO would be very cool … the mBrane snare drum machine has a dual VCO architecture and although i don’t know how “snare-drum” exactness it is capable of, some online demo’s have shown some really attractive sound design potentials for the dual VCO’s role in making organic rhythmical vibes.