@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music


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My midi cable finally arrived! It was about time I tried using the Digitakt and Digitone together.

I’ve been working on one box at a time for so long that suddenly having all these options was overwhelming. I want to figure out a nice workflow, because so far I was having a hard time figuring out which box should fill which roles.

Oh, and there’s suddenly way more stuff to clean up when done making music. Ack. I’m looking forward to making more stuff with the pair!

All audio is coming from the Digitakt and Digitone. No limiter added this time, as the signal was a bit hot because of the Digitone’s master overdrive.

Thanks for listening!


I would love to see a new video on your workflow now that you have both machines.

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Thanks man, I’d like to make a video on it once I’m more comfortable with the setup. I comfortable enough to possibly maybe start working out a digitone tutorial or at least a track-from-scratch video :slight_smile:

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@Eaves Awesome as usual, keep them coming!

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Finally! :wink:

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This is my favourite of your videos.

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I like this track very much. :heart_eyes::sunglasses:

The Digitakt and Digitone in tandem are beastly, aren’t they? :fire:


love it!!!

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So good, I listened multiple times through. Make an album with these two!

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Thank you all very much! @DJSpaceP yeah, when using one box at a time I’m in control and everything’s within reach. When using the two together it was like holding an uncontrollable firehose at full blast in every direction in comparison :open_mouth:


Enjoyed that!

Know what you mean with the “suddenly having options” thing. My advice - don’t fall into a trap of being tempted to add anything else for as long as you can manage. I went from OT to 4 Elektron boxes in a little over a year and productivity on them went through the floor, got pissed off, sold the lot haha!

The DT/DN make a lovely combo though. Sonically and aesthetically - very inspiring.

I should really try and use my OT/A4 together - like force myself to do it!

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For the most part, I like to focus on one device at a time.

For instance, I spent last weekend creating about 20 unique long patterns (plus variations) on the Digitakt. Now I have a huge playground of solid original grooves to enhance and make into songs for live performance. My next pass will be to trick out those patterns with conditional trigs, track scaling, etc to add more inherent variety to the patterns. When that’s done, I’ll fire up the Digitone to work on (mostly) melodic/tonal content to pair with the various patterns-as-songs I already created on the Digitakt.

I think if I were working on both devices simultaneously, I might get sidetracked more easily, but that’s just me. YMMV.


Thank you, @J0n35y! I agree, I gotta stick to just the DT and DN combo or I’ll lose all momentum.

@DJSpaceP that actually sounds very similar to what I do. When I’m not feeling particularly creative, I make a drum pattern, resample it, then change samples and other parameters and rinse-repeat until I have many different flavors of the same basic pattern. I later use these when ‘slicing’ up drums for my tracks :slight_smile:

Respect. Sounds great!!! And really inspiring.

Do you use sample chains on the digitakt?

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Nice one. I’ve been following your videos for a while now and really enjoyed following the evolution of your sketches to date.

Would be really interested in a workflow or a track-from-scratch video…

Inspiring stuff - keep it up!

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Thank you @silur and @RiK! Yeah I resample drum patterns into loops and use those loops as sample chains.
I’m also very keen on doing more track-from-scratch videos for the Digitone on its own and for the Digitone and Digitakt together. I just need to find enough uninterrupted time in my schedule to cut down on editing time =D


I made this track while experimenting with midi configurations and patches. I tried to recreate my favorite sounds from the Digitakt on the Digitone. I also made the chord patch, which on its own doesn’t sound very good, but works well in a track (I think). I had a hard time making the bass as boomy as the sample I often use on the Digitakt, so I used a hp-filter and high resonance to boost the bass frequencies, then rolled off some of the buzzy top with the filter on the 2nd page.

Track 1 on the Digitakt mutes track 4 on the Digitone, which I use for extra drums. That way I’m effectively layering two beats into one button so I don’t have to worry about muting and unmuting both at the same time.

Also, on the Hardware Jams facebook group, this weekend’s challenge is to use filters in an interesting way. I rarely use the resonance as an audible effect. I tried slowly modulating the resonance instead of the filter cutoff like I usually do. I thought the results were interesting!

Thanks for listening!

The track is available on Bandcamp: https://ivartryti.bandcamp.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ds912FxVqFT78HZulqErS?si=TSzF3dlEQE-yddrNj98ZeQ


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