@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music

Checked you band camp, like the tracks “Normal Fairy” and “The overworld is tiny” on your “The Leisureliest Stroll Ever” album, really nice!


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Thank you, @Lech! Thanks for pointing it out @Anfim, fixed the link now =)

He’s one of the main reasons I bought the DT/DN combo. I’m now beginning to find more enjoyable examples of both the DT and DN, over the OT.

I have a mint OT boxed up but wondering if it’s overkill for my needs.

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I was experimenting with the velocity mod page and turned a few of my patches into velocity sensitive ones. I connected a keyboard and played the Digitone to test my patches, and I came up with a short loop while playing. I developed it into this track.

Earlier today I was watching 8-Bit Music Theory on youtube, and was inspired by all the things he demonstrated and explained.

Going back from a Digitakt/Digitone combo to just the Digitone, I’m really feeling the limits of 4 tracks :P. Making varied drums on the Digitone isn’t as easy as on the Digitakt, but it’s soooo good at making expressive sounds, I love it :slight_smile:

All audio is coming from the Digitone, though I added a limiter in post.

The track is available on Bandcamp: https://ivartryti.bandcamp.com/track/blanket-of-frost


He’s one of the main reasons I bought the DT/DN combo.

That’s awesome @JusBadd, It’s an honor! I’m glad you like my stuff, and I hope the DT/DN combo suits your workflow :slight_smile:

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This track transports me into a videogame, there’s something in it of Disasterpeace’s Hyper Light Drifter OST… :heart:

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Thank you, @LyingDalai! Disasterpeace makes amazing music, and I can’t deny being influenced by him in this track (and others!).


I’m not big on gaming, but I LOOOOVED Hyperlight Drifter (and SNES Zelda). This can fit on either of those scores. Crazy-nice work!


I’ve been inspired by JRPGs lately so I made a super dramatic boss battle theme with a hint of sadness, because THIS BOSS IS YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND :open_mouth: All audio is coming from the Digitakt and Digitone

I’ve been really inspired by music from old Japanese roleplaying games lately. This track really was a boss, I nearly gave up on it. First I had trouble extending the chord progression, and then I had trouble performing the track. Several takes later, and it turned out my first take was the least janky take.

All audio is coming from the Digitakt and Digitone, with a limiter added in post. Drums, strings and piano are coming from the Digitakt, while the bass, lead and synth chords are from the Digitone.

The track is available on my Bandcamp page: https://ivartryti.bandcamp.com/track/spoilers-childhood-friend-is-optional-boss


Look at you, making songs without song mode :wink:

Seriously though, loving all these chord progressions! Nice to see someone going beyond the AB chord structure of a lot of hiphop and electronic music.


@Eaves I’ve been listening to all your tracks while I hold my sister’s 8 week old baby on my lap, she seems to be loving it! Make more music for babies please, I’ve gone through them all a few times now.


Thank you very much, @Anfim and @Hawk! I’m really happy about how the Digitone handles assigning notes to trigs. It’s way easier to experiment with the weirdest chords, you don’t have to dedicate 3-4 tracks to try them out!

Oh man, that makes me so happy @Hawk, congrats on becoming an uncle! I’m gonna make more music for babies :smiley:


I made an angry beat on the Digitone with an unstable lead synth. The drums are extra punchy and bass extra beefy thanks to the DN’s unison mode

I was experimenting more with harsh lead sounds. On my previous Digitone-only track, I had great success with using a random-shaped LFO to veeeery slowly modulate operator B’s ratio. Instead of using this effect on a soft pad, I pushed it hard on a lead sound.

While making the patch I came up with the main melody. I struggled with coming up with a new chord progression for the B section, so I just went for a cut down version of the A section instead, but with more bass and softer drums.

All audio is coming from the Digitone, running through an instance of Maximus (multiband compressor).

Thanks for listening!


@Eaves I would like to hear more about the music theory side about your jams. I get the production and performance side.

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@DanJamesAUS, I need to brush up on my music theory, it’s pretty weak! A lot of my musical decisions are deliberate, I just don’t know how to describe them using music theory. My favorite trick when making music is to make a melody in a major/happy scale, then sharpen or flatten as many notes as possible to make the melody as close to minor/sad, without actually turning it sad. I’m sure there’s a mode I gravitate towards, I just haven’t researched it yet. Rest assured though, I’m binge-watching 8-Bit Music Theory on youtube :smiley:


Well, you know what you’re doing even if don’t know the technical terms…
Didn’t think you were just sticking to a scale… cheers. nice music dude!

It’s been a while since I’ve made anything on just the Digitakt. I wanted to make a few new drum loops for later use, but ended up using two of them to make this track. I didn’t figure out any new tricks this time, just a good old Digitakt-only track with my normal tricks: resampled drums with parameter-locked starting points on each trig, my favorite piano sample, a bass sample made of a saw + noise, and two single notes sampled from my favorite FM VST, Toxic Biohazard.

Also I started playing Pathologic 2, which is such a weird game. I only finished 1 playthrough of the first game, but it does have some strange trip hop music in it, which might have inspired me here :smiley:

All audio is coming from the Digitakt, with a multiband compressor added in post.

Here’s a tutorial of how I go about making my drum loops: https://youtu.be/YSCrbF-u7gE


Interesting tutorial. Really like your idea of resampling beats. Works well to recreate the Direct Pattern Jump from the Analog series.

One big improvement to your workflow could be to add a keyboard such as Keystep set to Auto channel to quickly test and enter your notes, instead of switching in and out of grid mode.

Regarding track names, copy/clear/paste function are available, FYI. So when you want to name a few sample with the same root name, copy the root name and it stays in memory for next samples.

Thanks, @LyingDalai! I have a midi keyboard I could use. I love the immediacy of just one box in front of me, but I should give adding a midi keyboard a real try.

copy the root name and it stays in memory for next samples

Oh my god. That’s amazing! Thank you very much for the tip!

To enter a note with an external keyboard, you just have to hold the step in grid mode, and hit a key. So no more need to switch from one mode to the other.
An alternative could be to use Digitone as a keyboard :slight_smile:

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