@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music

Lately I’ve been inspired by Nine Inch Nails, and just the other day I learned about How To Destroy Angels. I made a spooky beat using LOTS of reverb and delay on the out of tune melodies, along with a bit of LFO set to detune. Thanks for listening!


Really good

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Thank you, @Zifor!

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Kickass man.

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Great stuff, I love NIN, How To Destroy Angels and I’ve been on an industrial binge lately. This made me want to go home to my synths and try something, unfortunately I’m on our summer cabin with the OP-1 as my only synth and it’s thundering really hard outside.

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Thank you @Adam9, @DonovanDwyer and @phaelam! Yeah, I’ve listened a lot to Trent Reznor’s soundtrack stuff, and one of the comments on my previous youtube video mentioned HTDA. I listened to the whole album twice while painting the living room walls, awesome stuff :smiley:. I hope you have a good time at the summer cabin, man!


Keep coming back for listens…so good…

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If you don’t mind me asking, what synths did you sample for this? Some of the detuned sounds are exactly like ones I was making on a Korg Lambda back in the day.

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Thank you @Adam9 and @DonovanDwyer! Thanks for asking =D. The first percussive and “woopy” sound at the start are from Elektron’s sample pack called Phandora’s Box, it is one of the loops played 2 octaves lower and with each step set to different start points and different amounts of bit reduction.

The bass is from another loop from the same sample pack, where I set the start point and loop point to play only one sustained bass note, and made the melody using that sound.

At 1:07, the synth sound is a pluck preset from Air Hybrid 3 with a long attack, detune, lots of reverb and lots of delay, on TWO tracks. They both play the same melody, but I skip alternating notes so that melody has 2 “voices”, and they both have different values for detune to get that crazy huge sound.

The screaming sound after that is just an “aah” choir sample with lots of bit reduction.

Edit: more readable now


Like the title suggests, the whole track contains one repeating note for the bass. I used a few tricks to make that one repeating bass note sound slightly different each time using random LFOs on the bit reduction amount, along with random probability of also changing the pitch with LFOs on several parts of that one note. I originally wanted to put together two of my musical influences into one track, Akira Yamaoka and Trent Reznor, but I ended up with something completely different! I had fun making this, and I hope you find it interesting :slight_smile:


yyyyes I do like it!
Big fan of crusty/busted beats and minimal tracks!


THank you, @Aen! Making janky beats like this is difficult, especially parts of it plays at a 3/4 scale, but not really. If that makes sense.

I love the dub delay on the clap.


This is oldskool dubstep. Love it :slight_smile:

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This is the first time I’ve used the swing function on the Digitakt. I think the melody turned out very video-gamey, and I imagined a JRPG where you exit into the world map, but it’s way smaller and obviously not the real world map. And possibly more snowy.

All sounds come from the Digitakt with a limiter added in post.

Thanks for listening! :slight_smile:


During my first couple of weeks with the Digitakt I tried to make a track with a 7/8 time signature. I had trouble doing it back then, and I had trouble doing it now! That one last missing step really throws me off my muting game.

I had a hard time moving past the first loop. For the longest time I didn’t know where to go next, and I’m not 100% convinced I moved in the right direction, but I’m still happy with how the melodies turned out :). Of all the tracks I’ve made so far, I think this one took the most retries until I was happy with the results, mistakes and all.

I sampled my favorite free VST called OB-Xd and used it for the bassline. I made sure the 10 second long sample contained a lot of movement, and I made the start point of that sample jump around at random.

I use one shot samples for my drums and my melodies. The drums are resampled into loops, and the melodies are made by dialing in the note for each step in the sequencer. I use drum samples from The Lo-Fi Box sample pack by Image-Line and have sampled one shots of various VSTs.

All audio is coming from the Digitakt, though I added a limiter in post.

Thanks for listening!


sounds great. love the bass.
NIN vibes

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Thank you, @Unifono!

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Very cool, I struggle most with the relationship of kick and snare in 7/8, this one is great!
What is happening on the midi tracks 9 and 10?

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