@Eaves / Ivar Tryti’s Music

Thanks, @Lauli :). Yeah, there are a couple of ‘safe’ patterns I know of that work well in 7/8, but trying to move beyond those patterns is half the fun.

When I first started working on this track, I used track 9 and 10 to control the OB-Xd VST in FL Studio. I ended up only using the Digitakt’s 8 tracks, though. The pattern on track 9 was copied over to track 5, where I sampled the bass sound instead of using the VST. I did this because I kept getting stuck reassigning the midi controls and tweaking and optimizing that I had to just leave the VSTs out of the track.

Damn dude, that sounded GOOOD.

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Thank you, @LittleRooms!

You have truly Mastered the Digitakt! Seriously I am always blown away by what you can do with this guy.


it’s really very good and thanks for keeping it under 3 minutes!!!

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Thank you, @DataStrain and @wormhole! The Digitakt is incredible =D

This is amazing!!!

Big UP!

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Thank you very much, @Newjackwalms!

I wasn’t supposed to buy any more gear this soon, but I couldn’t pass up my chance to buy a very little used Digitone for 25% less than the going rate. I originally named this track “I Can’t Afford Any More Gear 2”, because before I bought my Digitakt, I made a track called “I Can’t Afford Any More Gear” to stave off my lust for a Digitakt. I instead named it “Succumb”, because I succumbed GAS.

The Digitone feels pretty much like a Digitakt, except it’s a synth and not a sampler. It took some getting used to, but 90% of my muscle memory from the Digitakt translates very well to the Digitone! The last 10% works against me, though :D.

I made all the melodic patches myself and used presets for the drums. All audio is coming from the Digitone, and all I added in post was a limiter to even out the transients.

Thanks for listening!


finally. was wondering how long it would take
Really looking forward to all your digitone sketches


There is a thread : OT in 2019 ? … You are next my friend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Nice track, I wanted to buy one some time ago, but I don’t like that much the sound coming from DN. I stick with DT only.

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Subscribed! Great track dude.

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Dope track! That lead reminds me of something out of Donkey Kong Country

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Thank you all! @Unifono I’m really looking forward to making tracks on the Digitone =D.
@ml nooo, I can’t afford to even look at the features on an OT now!
@blaize I’ve used the DT on its own a lot, and it’s really powerful and works perfectly alone.
@VanillaSun thanks! I also got a donkey kong country vibe when i made the lead patch.

Awesome. I’ve loved all your DT sketches and I’m excited to see what you come up with.

Question: did you ever consider the Analog 4? I could see a lot of your tracks benefitting from the warm-ish vibe of that box.


Thank you, @mattmarque! I’ve been spending a lot of time with it, and I’m really happy with the sounds I can get out of it. Can’t wait to get better at using it :smiley:

I really love the A4’s sound, but it’s too expensive for me. If I had access to one, I’d definitely use it! I saw a tutorial the A4, and I’m surprised at how versatile it is. I wish it was cheaper and had more voices, but I know that’s an unreasonable thing to ask for :P.

Your DT tutorials/walkthroughs were immensely helpful and made me look at the box in an entirely different way.

Selfishly, if you ever did something showing how you approach a synth-based workflow I’d be super pumped.


I’m really glad those those videos were helpful! Even when I did my best to cut down on workload by not editing the videos and doing everything in one take, it still took a lot of planning and effort. “made me look at the box in an entirely different way” is my favorite sort of comment! Thanks a lot, man :slight_smile:

I’m also very interested in making a walkthrough video on the Digitone, but that’s probably weeks down the line. In the meantime I’m gonna watch all the tutorials I can find on youtube. I was sad to see there was no 10000 response Digitone tips and tricks thread, like on the Digitakt’s forum.


Yeah someone started one up. I hope
It takes off and gets a wiki page and all that. I contributed a good bit to it. I have had my DT for a while but have not dove in the same way as I did with my DT so when I do hopefully I’ll have some stuff to share. Glad you’re pumped and getting along with it so well! Hope to hear more soon!

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