can anyone give a hint as to how one can edit the samples placed to the flex slots quicly (like in a consecutive manner)
actually i cant see how to step through the samples when the editor is open. am i missing something?
okay. i see maybe someone is having a catch about this one. i mean, how would you edit the samples that are locked to the steps then? say i have slot 8 for trigger 1 and slot 12 for trigger 9. how can i edit the samples, that are assigned to the triggers and which are not the “default” sample assigned to that machine?
alright! and now, after cropping up some samples, they have a blinking asterisk showing, i have edited the sample and need to save what?
“save sample settings”
“save sample copy”
i want to have the edited sample to be always cropped like i have done it - and available within all projects. not just the project active at the moment.
If you have cropped the sample, then you need to save sample copy because it’s a different sample than the original. The sample settings to my understanding are saved in another file and have to do with slice points and other attributes (gain, timestretch mode etc) that relate to the sample. I think every one sample can only have one settings file though so if you have it for example sliced some way in a project, and then load the sample in another project (or in another slot in the same project), and slice again differently and save those settings, it will affect the original as well.