Editing multimap sounds

What’s the quickest way to tweak sounds after they’re in multimap? Is only option to assign individually to track? Any way to do it from within multimap with ‘live preview’ so for example if I have a drum kit and want to change the snare while hearing the changes in context of drumkit/pattern? Thanks

not possible,
the sounds you’re hearing in multi map mode are the sound pool sounds.
you only tweak track sounds.
You can of course lock some sound to a trig, then tweak parameter locks, but it’s not possible to save the p-locks to the sound.

If you “assign” a a sound to a track, the sound is really copied to the track. So if you then tweak it, it will not affect the sound pool sound. You can tweak it, but you then have to save it over the previous sound pool sound to be in your multimap.

Thanks. Guess I’m still getting my head around the architecture. Bummer this isn’t possible but multimap still pretty cool. Reminds me a little of alesis micron. I never really got past presets on that (first + brief synth) but seem to remember some of them having multimap kind of layouts.